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This anime is quickly becoming one of my favourites... STOP SHOWING ME BABIES OMGGGGGGGG I KEEP CRYING AT THEM haha



Watch "mob 1x3" on Streamable.


Emma Brune

No Man's Sky has like the greatest redemption arc in video game history, it's very very good now

Joey Cat

No mans sky had definitely turned things around, best example of a game that started rough but ended up as the comeback king of gaming. I feel like emotional attachment is important but that initial physical interest is also key in whether your interested in the person or not....having said that I do like me some big boobas That dark theory of yours damn queen haha. That sounded like something the Joker would have come up with XD It's great your talking a lot. Shows your enjoying the show and I'm sure I speak for most when I say that we all are more interested in your thoughts and analysis then you being quiet while reacting to the series. It's why I subscribed to you, cause you do the analysis along with watching/reacting the series and your takes are so interesting to hear. That juxtaposition of your maternal instincts kicking in crying for Mob and begging him to commit murder had me rolled up XD Thanks for the great upload as always queen, looking forward to the next one :)


It's just so delightful seeing you enjoy the show so much. Puts a big smile on my face and I'm not even in that creepy cult 😆


I personally think this was a great anime to start the new year with! It's themes of self-improvement and empathy are definitely what a lot of people including myself could benefit from. Just when I thought the show's writing can't get much more nuanced and mature, it kept on surprising me. Definitely a lot more wholesome compared to Made in Abyss 😂 and I say that as a fan of MiA, probably a good move to save the funtime murderhole for later in the year

Sharles Davis Kendy

8:00 I feel seen. No Man's Sky is multiplayer now. Has been for a while. I tried with some friends and honestly, it's still pretty meh.

Charlie baker

i love the body improvement clubs, in the dub the presidents voice actor is the one who does gamagori and its amazing

Charlie baker

mob is like raven from teen titans, he avoids displaying his emotions because he fears losing control of his powers that fluctuate with them

Sharles Davis Kendy

I honestly feel like Mob is One Punch Man perfected.

Shaggy pemberton

Mob Psycho is officially in my top 5 anime of all time i just finished the last episode of the anime before this reaction and i cant wait to see your reaction to the full series!!!


As someone who was an emotionally stunted child Mob Psycho has always held a special place in my heart bc i see a bit of my younger self in Mob, just wanted to say that what you said about still being able to connect with people who can't emote was really sweet but also why you gotta make me cry like that 😂 thanks for another great video

Sven Hegenbart

Mob Psycho is such a well written character . Also Reigen is a good character where he maky be shaddy in business but still looks out for Mob


Yeah No Man's Sky is an incredible game now, especially with friends.