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Today, I took a relaxing day to work on chainsaw man content and a bit of JoJo’s. I’m gonna try and get two more recordings done for the night but it might have to wait till tomorrow depending on if I can get up. :D BUT OOOO so YouTube comments have been kinda pressuring me a lot to start posting part 3 of JoJo’s I wasn’t planning to until I was done with Attack on Titan season one so I can focus on that and avatar. But I also want to make everyone happy. So I’m gonna work hard and also post my first episode of JoJo’s part 3 tomorrow.


I had a recent major scan at the end of last week. I was supposed to get my results asap but my doctor has been on vacation. For those of you new to my channel or Patreon I’m currently battle cancer and going through treatment. This scan was to see if my treatment is working or not and if it isn’t we will have to go with a more aggressive approach. I’m honestly nervous and scared. Normally I say something overly positive but it’s been eating at me all day. No matter what my results are just know I’m going to fight as hard as I can! Fingers crossed it’s good news.


Joey Cat

Don't feel like you need to try and keep YT comments happy, you come first. Take as much time as you want and know we are all behind you 100% and that we are praying for your health queen!

Wubs (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-19 19:46:31 Remember to take some R&R for yourself ❤️.
2022-12-28 20:45:02 Remember to take some R&R for yourself ❤️.

Remember to take some R&R for yourself ❤️.