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AOT 22 patreon

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Levi and Erwin are the practical ones. The only thing left of the dead is memories. Better those that carry those memories continue living and survive, than try to rescue bodies.


idc she's gone, Petra is still best girl


I love this episode especially the part where they have to dump the bodies as bait. It is such a complex emotional state for everyone involved. The dude was traumatized and wanted to bring his friend's body back. He wasn't thinking with a clear head and lashes out. Erwin and Levi know they would rather bring back everyone if that was an option, but would rather not risk the lives of the people who are alive for dead soldiers, not an easy decision to make, at all. I would have been disappointed, honestly if they didn't go back I would have been livid. They were in no mental state to accept orders and stand down. Of course they were going to go after their dead friend. This is why I love this show so much, even with some amount of fantasy, this show is so grounded in reality, that rarely do you see characters acting out of the realm of possibility or the rules established in this world.


That moment you realize brown freckled lesbian lady don't got a name yet