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Watch "b2 ep 14" on Streamable.



Cultural silencing is very much a thing in North Korea. It does lead to some interesting tactics employed by South Korea, interesting enough. We've once blasted K-pop over the borders on giant loud speakers for nearly a week in response to political hostilities. Since a martial attack would lead to war, use culture as a means to attack. It was Girl's Generation at the peak of the 2nd Gen. You KNOW that shit was catchy and were ear worms for NK troops.


How did I know that just like my wife the red flags attract you like they're peacock feathers XD She always simps for the villains to the point I don't need to guess any more I just wait and see who she finds hot.

Nakama Forever

When I originally watched this show this darker stuff just went straight over my head. All I could focus on was the cool fights. Now that I understand what's going on I do find that all very disturbing. It's crazy they made this on a kids channel