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For those of you who are new you may not know I am battle cancer and just moved back in with my parents while going through treatment. Today, I went to the hospital and got some bad news so my sister and mom took the day off to spend it with me. Tomorrow my dad took the day off to spend with me. 

Sorry if I have less videos for the next two days. I'm going to try my best to at least have one done a day :D Working on stuff tonight while everyone is asleep! I was supposed to record with Ant today but I just wasn't mentally up enough to record. ^^ after a good long sleep though I think I'm ready to work on some videos baby! Just sadly it can't be JoJo's until I can bring Ant on for a recording cause I missed out recording day. Again sorry about that!

Normally I put out the videos I'm going to prioritize for this week but I'm kinda unsure what I feel like making. So I'm gonna just let it come to me and roll with it! I have a long list of ones I need to work on :3 Just gonna roll the dice 





Alicia's is a time Traveler