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I'm going to be recording and editing Avatar episodes for tomorrow night's upload :D My goal is to keep Avatar 1-2 episodes ahead always. I can only record when I'm able to sit up so sadly today was a bed rested day. BRIGHTSIDE got some editing done ^u^ 

Some of you may be new to the channel so a TL;DR I'm currently going through a pretty massive health issue that has me in and out of the hospital. I flew home to stay with my parents (because I normally live alone) while going through treatment. So I am working off of a new laptop I was able to buy because of this AMAZING patreon support!! :D Even cover my medications! Lots of positives. I upload daily no matter what, and on somedays (more like most days) I do multiple uploads here on patreon. If my health declines and I can't upload for a day I will be sure to always make a community post to inform you. That has yet to happen where I can't upload but as a "just-in-case" sorta thing. Thank you so much for your support and I'm excited for the new month coming soon! It's gonna be great!