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The finale of the series!! The heartache. I'm so sorry for just sobbing that hard the entire time but it's just who I am. I cry super easily and this show just shook me to my core. Thank you for supporting this series and I hope we can share love, laughter, and more tears together :D WOOO!


CyberPunk Episode Ten

Watch "CyberPunk Episode Ten" on Streamable.



David’s jacket and Rebecca’s gun are available in the game. So many people pummeled the shit out of Adam Smasher with those two equiped after this anime


"People suggested Made in Abbys" and "I need happy things in my life" is not something I ever thought I would hear after eachother.


I found your channel about a 2 weeks ago and fell in love with your content. We were all in the same boat with the ending. I was destroyed at the end of this. All those feelings came back watching this with you. Thank you so much for your empathy and honest reactions.

Malik myers

little something to make it all worse, theres speculation that that wasnt a flashback at the end it was a braindance saved to lucys head, also david has a drink at the bars in cyberpunk, as well as davids jacket and rebeccas guns


When Adam says to David "You could make an interesting construct" and David turned down the offer, Adam was offering him the closest thing to immortality that exists in this universe. A full digital copy of your brain and personality, and memories, put into any body they choose. David's denial of this falls inline with my own views, uploading me to a computer is not me living forever. Just a copy. Kinda like how in Star Trek theres characters that refuse to teleport because they believe it kills the soul. Theres no way to prove it true or false, but for me id rather die than have a personality construct of myself running around. Im not sure how far you are into the game, but this is early game stuff, Adam offered him the kind of immortality Johnny Silverhand has. Where its unclear whether his soul is there, but its what he *probably* would have said and thought.


Its kinda funny, all night city legends get a drink named after them. David's drink is literally just Vodka on the rocks and the in-universe equivalent to Coca-Cola. David was never really a drinker, not just cause the fizzy drink thing, he had his own vices.


Can't have shit in Night City smh


Honestly, while I TOTALLY get you here, Rebecca's death is the most 'Rebecca' thing ever. The irritated "We're having a moment here!!" & "Fuck YOU!!!" on repeat as her last words, is so HER. Plus, her death getting the repeated shots, different angles treatment like when cool action moments have happened previously, also feels appropriate (if not respectful ^^')


He went out in a blaze of glory so she could fade away. If i ever run CyberPunk 2077 you shore as hell can bet the player will meet David.


Yuppp so all the bds are different people's experiences edited for others to watch basically just vr documentary's lol which is just wild and then virtues are the raw unedited footage which people can just replay when they want it seems. you actually learn about it in the game at some point. So a lot of people think it's her just reliving it but it's a theory a really sad one sorry for rambling 😭😂


Dont worry about not to answer every comment, we dont want you to force a response. The like on YT or heart on Patreon should suffice. Kiwi wants the money, its half a million, if she dosnt show she dosnt get money. All the suffering and betrayal for nothing. So... Falco became on of my favorite characters because he keeps his calm, and follows them into the storm. The Doc said after last vial, there is no coming back. But... Lucy brought him back. Cyberpsycosis is still a thing the people in Cyberpunk know very little of. Rebeccas fate broke alot of people. The sad part was Lucy's Dream really fullfilled? At first she wanted to go to the moon, but...later on she wanted to be with David. So...everyone is sad. PS: What happened to mha? Do you still react to it? or was it on pause for Cyberpunk?


Can you give me a 24 hour notice before you burn the world? I need to make sure I finish all my business lmao


I broke when I saw someone else point out that Lucy's color pallette is that of a rainbow moonstone. Fits in with the song playing and her, and thus David's, whole dream. "So, get away Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know And let yourself go You know you didn't lose your self-control Let's start at the rainbow"

AlexXis Amadeus

Man, I've been watching you since like, 5.6 of Honkai Impact and stuff. Only recently discovered you, relatively, so it's been cool to see you grow so fast and be so engaging with people and different kinds of content. You're such a fun creator. happy to be a patreon! So glad you and I both decided to check this show out!


Bitter sweet tidbit if you play Cyberpunk 2077. Recall where Becca died, and go there to get her shotgun and go get Arasaka!

Depressed Duck Daddy

This show destroyed me and I'm still not over it. In defence of Kiwi - Edgerunner's don't typically live very long and she's the oldest one left (as Falco is a driver so he's probably not a day to day member of the crew) - probably feels like the inevitable is approaching. She's watched her peers all die then on top their new leader is replaying the past of their old leader going psycho as a chromejunkie. Her deal with Faraday seems to have been with a big enough promised payout to get away from NYC, maybe away from running altogether. So yeah she was out for her own self-interest but the edgerunners of Night City typically are, they usually come from nothing and live in one of the worst places on the planet. Desperation drives people to do dishonourable things. I probably felt sorrier for Kiwi than I should have but I think she was sympathetic even if she was a traitor. Hoping for a Happy Ending in Night City? "For folks like us? Wrong city. Wrong people." P.S. I'd totally watch a playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 :)

Rafael Argueta

How do you manage to avoid spoilers? Great series of videos for a great anime. Seeing your raw emotions helped add some closure for me after seeing Edgerunner. I've been stuck on this show since it released lol.


^^ I have two friends who have access to my twitter and since they block stuff for me that involves genshin already they just do the same thing with any anime I'm interested in. Since they themselves don't care about spoilers.


You're a sweet bean, Alicia. I knew it was going to be hard on you but it's a worthwhile journey.

Nakama Forever

You do you and cry when you wanna cry. This is the second time seeing this episode and it isn't any easier 🥺


a real tearjerker this episode, doesnt matter if its the second time i've watched it, still so sad :(


man this is like the 10th time and its still not easier

Nakama Forever

I plan on watching this again with a friend and im sure ill end up 😭 again.