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omg we are nearing the end of the series. I'm so scared for the ginal episode. I'm gonna need a hug and a drink after this is over haha. Warning! violence, blood, nudity, uhh and cussing. Not a "safe for work" anime.


CyberPunk Episode Nine

Watch "CyberPunk Episode Nine" on Streamable.


Vik Persson

I both love the emotion of your reactions AND the cinematic analysis. it is a great combo to bring to anime and it really sets you apart so keep it up. That said, you are sometimes too good at it. you see so far ahead that it is scary. I am just glad that I watch everything before checking out reactions, because, girl, your brain is a spoiler machine.


Smoke detector battery chirps just gotta be the perfect pitch and volume to sound exactly the same from any speaker huh? Im sittin here replaying the video to check if its yours or mine lmfao

Nate Zabinski

This is episode that fucks me up the more I think about it, specifically Faraday’s exposition dump in the beginning. It lays out what Lucy has been so cagey about; what she’s been doing for David’s sake, even behind his own back. He’s the kind of protagonist that would set himself on fire just to keep someone else warm, but to Lucy? He’s her future, a new part of her dream that must be protected at all costs, and everybody else is a pile of poker chips to be gambled away. She wants to wipe him off of Arasaka’s grid, because she knows firsthand what it’s like to be in the belly of that beast. But the closer David gets to cyberpsychosis (TO SAVE LUCY, from the shit she was getting into TO SAVE DAVID), the more those sacrifices become in vain. And that’s what this show is about! What would you do, what would you risk, in the name of a dream? Even if it wasn’t your own? How long would you, could you, keep running on the edge?!

Nate Zabinski

Also, that beeping sound in the background is definitely a smoke alarm. Change your batteries, girl.


It was this episode that proved Rebecca is not a "loli" instead is a proper gun totting ride or die shorty.


EY! I’m 5’4 and ordered a ladder that still didn’t make me tall enough to reach it so I returned it and my new one comes in today LOL I’m trying! Living alone is brutal haha


Getting Giancarlo Esposito to voice Farraday in the English Dub was such a W, the way he gets to make Farraday be the duplicitous fixer he is sounds so good. Also, Rebecca got those oversized hands to be able to handle bigger guns after the epi 4 cyberpyscho attack, when she fell back due to recoil. It's little details like that which makes me wish we had gotten just a couple more epis. And Falco and his cowboy stauche, awesome.


Good thing alicia isn't fully living that Becca short girl life, that smoke detector would have gotten ffffff'd up. 😂

Vlad the Third

You're the only reactor I saw who spotted that fiery background Adam Smasher visual callback. Props.The show has alot of cool visual metaphors, like, even the truck dangling on the edge and then finally slowly falling is a visual metaphor for the "edgerunner" themes they've been running throughout, but by "Show don't tell". God, now the wait for your episode 10 reaction is going to be excruciating, one of my favourite finales ever.


Rebecca is always so cool. But both Falco and Rebecca being so loyal is nice. Also the geeking out over the techniques of filming are great! Never hide it, we also learn something from it. Also your theories brings me much joy, it really shows your investment into the series. Oh it was a smokedetector, i was wondering what that was. I knew the sound from somewhere


oh i don't know if anyone's already told you this but once you finish the show there's a music video for let me down the end theme song and its a mini episode thats kind of like a prequel thing that you oughta check out if your interested


One of the most interesting ideas I've seen about cyberpsychosis is that the cyberware only enhances already existing mental health problems. I believe this is supported by the original TTRPG (2020, not Red)

Nakama Forever

I didn't wanna say anything and be rude, but i thought the audio did sound really soft up to this point. So glad i get to experience the full glory of Alicia for the finale ❤️

Nakama Forever

Still loving Becca. She just steals the show