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MHA 7x12

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Get your eyes checked Alicia because AFO is not ugly he is handsome as hell.

Andrew Thao

AFO is very much a classic villain, where they're less of a character and more of a force of nature. Which, in my opinion, is exactly what this series needed him to be. He is not a hurt individual who's actually good beneath it all like I think a lot of people expect from villains nowadays, but that's why he works for the story of MHA - because it's not a complicated story. It's ultimately a simple story about morals and how one generation can pass theirs onto the next, which is where antagonists like AFO work perfectly, because they are exactly what they need to be, which is functional.


"when i edit im like this" your editor- excuse me bitch? wtf?


"It took a whole ass beat to do their job" lore accurate fr fr


Honestly if I was some big super evil guy bulldozing everyone and some dude just showed ass I'd 1,000% be so confused, hell I don't even think I'd be in the mood to murder anymore, they made it weird. lol


Nighteye would be absolutely pissing himself in laughter with what Mirio did, granted it isn't the most "heroic" of things to do but that is frankly what was needed at the time, something just completely unexpected