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bro... this arc hurt me


OP 488 + 489

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or he beat kaido fast enough that he made it too marineford

Ztllain (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-15 20:43:15 I love how they keep making Shanks more and more jacked with every appearance xD dudes neck is almost as wide as his head
2024-07-15 20:19:09 I love how they keep making Shanks more and more jacked with every appearance xD dudes neck is wider than his head at this point

I love how they keep making Shanks more and more jacked with every appearance xD dudes neck is wider than his head at this point


you know just because we aren't seeing them doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

Martin Mcfly

No koby sympathy is wild


Between Garp and Koby, I have 10,000% more sympathy for the latter. Koby is a child, with idyllic concepts of what it means to be a marine, confronted for the first time with a large-scale battle. But even in this situation, he put himself up against Luffy, knowing full well that he wouldn't be any impediment--because he knows he needs to throw himself against stronger opponents if he wants to grow stronger himself. On the other hand, Garp is a grown-ass man. He *knows* that the Marines support *literal actual 100% undeniable SLAVERY*. He knows that the Marines and World Government are full of shit to the very brim, and he knows the depths of their hypocrisy. He *knows* that they murder children and pregnant women just in case one of them might've banged Roger at some point. And for all that, he still supports the Navy and calls their actions "justice". He can go fuck the entirety of himself IMO.


I don’t have any of that sympathy for Coby. He ain’t THAT young, he’s been trained by garp who we all know isn’t gonna coddle anybody, and also who cares if he ran at luffy it’s not like that carried any real risk to it. Not saying this to compare the two characters in any way I’m just sayin I don’t see much reason to feel bad for Coby at the end of the day