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HxH 108 + 109

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14:00 What is it, Pitou's _scratching post?_ ... ...B-Because... Pitou's a cat and...


I wouldn't assume Pitou is stronger than Pouf. I think Pitou's En can just reach farther, especially because of its unusual shape.

Julio Castillo

Let's think it this way.... all of the Royal Guards are so powerful in their own way that it would be almost impossible for them to beat each other. Pitou has insane speed and reflexes, Pouf has great means of escape and recon, and Youpi is just the ultimate tank and powerhouse. trying to figure out who would beat who between the 3 of them would be kinda like the paradox of the unstopable object against the immovable object.

Julio Castillo

The responses that each of the 3 Royal Guards gave to Meruem about his name perfectly encapsulate each of their personalities. Pouf is absolutely married to the ideal of "The King" and that's why he responded that his title is the only thing that matters, because to Pouf... Meruem's purpose as the Chimera Ant King is the absolute priority. Youpi couldn't even comprehend the question, depicting that he is essentially.... a Dog that only follows orders and doesn't question them. Pitou's answer is the most fascinating one to me.... she says that Meruem's feelings are the most important thing... so he should decide what name to use, basically... unlike Pouf who believes on what Meruem "Has" to be... Pitou focuses on what Meruem "Wants", which surpringly enough.... makes Pitou the most empathetic of the Royal Guards... despite of what we have seen her do. I believe she's the one who is truly loyal to Meruem, and that's why she's my favorite Royal Guard. Incredible writing from Togashi's part as always.