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HxH 106 + 107

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Julio Castillo

The Knov's palace infiltration sequence might be one of the most tense and suspenseful scenes in any media Ever. The Anime did a SUPERB job transmitting the sense of Dread that Knov was feeling. And yes, the Aura he saw in the Staircase was Shaiapoof's. Also damn.... no reaction for Morel's carbon dioxide strategy? i think the end of this fight is one of the most fun and surprising in the whole anime, im stunned that you guys weren't more shocked. Finally.... it's so satisfying seeing how much Killua has grown as a person since the beginning of the series, not too long ago he was internally monologuing about how Gon was Light itself and that he sometimes needed to avert his gaze because of how bright he is..... but now...... Killua himself has become a Light in someone else's life. He was born in darkness but throught experiencing life outside of his family he was able to transform into the best version of himself... so much so that he's now inspiring others to follow him... just like Gon inspired him. He is truly a magnificent example of character development.

Isaac Steinway

Tigers and Jaguars LOVE water, they often hunt things in the water too, Jaguars favorite thing is Caiman(which are just smallish alligators).

Ranginald Vagel

I will always love how Morel beat an enemy by just breathing all the available air


Knov's reaction is very much an understandable one when you consider that he's basically doing that entire infiltration while in zetsu; He's essentially feeling every bit of malice, every bit of hatred, every last bit of vile intent that pouf has. Like what wing taught gon and killua, knov is pretty much walking in the middle of a blizzard with nothing to protect himself.


It's so cool how Killua has grown over the series: originally, he could barely believe that Gon was his friend until Leorio pointed it out to him. Now, he realizes that he's made a genuine friend even before they did.

Robert Collard

The past few episodes show why Morel is called a Deep Sea Hunter (meaning he spends his Hunter career dealing with jobs out at sea, which means his breath control has to be pretty insane if he doesn’t use oxygen tanks while diving)