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HxH 102 + 103

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Julio Castillo

y'know... many people don't acknowledge this... but what Gon said in this episode really sells you that his morality is not upright. He directly admitted that he knows Killua has a tendency to just give in to his requests..... and he even admits he takes advantage of that. Damn... he even took advantage of Meleoron in this same episode, he knowingly said what Meleoron wanted to hear in order to bait a confession out of him. This kid is scary when he sets his mind on something, and i don't mean scary in like "he's so strong it's scary"... i mean like actually scary. There's no way to tell what he's willing to do in order to get what he wants. Also, someone please inform alicia that Meruem's voice is the same guy that voices Shigaraki in MHA.


38:40 Is it too dark to say that I'd just switch to watching Alicia x Death videos? 🤣


best girl has made her appearance!


This is for some reason the part of the show where I would start shouting "blow your damn nose" at my TV for some odd reason.

Lian Kojou

3:40 that is so me lol since i am a shy guy i dont talk alot in class and ppl would be forgetting me quite often. teacher gon b like u in my class ? what is your name ? LOL


yay! Blind kid appeared! I love her