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MHA 7x7

Watch "MHA 7x7" on Streamable.


Carl Philip Steuch

wow, i can't believe it took Deku seven seasons to be able to do Gear 2


A little misconseption, they don't have 5 minutes, it's just Monoma's usual limit and 5 minutes have already passed since he touched Kurogiri, so he can't use warp anymore. But as long as he's touching Eraser Head, he can continue to use Erasure

Ranginald Vagel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-16 20:41:40 WARNING: Yap You see, when it comes to men not getting hints, there’s a couple of things. What I’d like to point out is sensitivity vs. specificity. Sensitivity is the ability to tell that someone may be flirting. Specificity is being able to correctly determine when someone is just being friendly. The more sensitive a man’s radar is, the more likely he is to correctly identify flirting, but men set their sensitivity as low as possible while maximizing specificity because of the risk-reward for false positives vs. false negatives. A false positive is going to be a cringe memory at best, and potentially horrendously embarrassing and painful because of how society happens to treat men making unwanted approaches lately, especially when you’re not that attractive or confident. A false negative’s usual worst case scenario is things going on as usual, maybe missing out on a relationship. Plus, if the woman wants you enough they could just make it impossible to misconstrue anyway through direct communication like you did, very cool Alicia. Set direct communication as your bar and you can almost never make a Type I error. Ergo, life is easier when you can just be accused of missing obvious hints. Usually subconsciously, many men see the risk of raising sensitivity as far outweighing the reward. Be direct ladies, men aren’t just dense(ok fine we are worse than woman at figuring it out but that’s even more reason to raise specificity), they’re protecting their feelings which do exist.
2024-06-16 18:32:29 WARNING: Yap You see, when it comes to men not getting hints, there’s a couple of things. What I’d like to point out is sensitivity vs. specificity. Sensitivity is the ability to tell that someone may be flirting. Specificity is being able to correctly determine when someone is just being friendly. The more sensitive a man’s radar is, the more likely he is to correctly identify flirting, but men set their sensitivity as low as possible while maximizing specificity because of the risk-reward for false positives vs. false negatives. A false positive is going to be a cringe memory at best, and potentially horrendously embarrassing and painful because of how society happens to treat men making unwanted approaches lately, especially when you’re not that attractive or confident. A false negative’s usual worst case scenario is things going on as usual, maybe missing out on a relationship. Plus, if the woman wants you enough they could just make it impossible to misconstrue anyway through direct communication like you did, very cool Alicia. Set direct communication as your bar and while you will make a lot of Type II errors, you can almost never make a Type I error. Ergo, life is easier when you can just be accused of missing obvious hints. Usually subconsciously, many men see the risk of raising sensitivity as far outweighing the reward. Be direct ladies, men aren’t just dense(ok fine we are worse than women at figuring it out but that’s even more reason to raise specificity), they’re protecting their feelings which do exist. EDIT: Also, in this specific case, Rich is a BIG man, and if we’re being completely honest, that increases his incentive to minimize potential perceived creepiness. Probably not something he actively thinks about, just what he senses. That part is just a theory based on my own experience though, you can probably ask him about it someday. Doubt Alicia will read this long ass post though 🤨

WARNING: Yap You see, when it comes to men not getting hints, there’s a couple of things. What I’d like to point out is sensitivity vs. specificity. Sensitivity is the ability to tell that someone may be flirting. Specificity is being able to correctly determine when someone is just being friendly. The more sensitive a man’s radar is, the more likely he is to correctly identify flirting, but men set their sensitivity as low as possible while maximizing specificity because of the risk-reward for false positives vs. false negatives. A false positive is going to be a cringe memory at best, and potentially horrendously embarrassing and painful because of how society happens to treat men making unwanted approaches lately, especially when you’re not that attractive or confident. A false negative’s usual worst case scenario is things going on as usual, maybe missing out on a relationship. Plus, if the woman wants you enough they could just make it impossible to misconstrue anyway through direct communication like you did, very cool Alicia. Set direct communication as your bar and while you will make a lot of Type II errors, you can almost never make a Type I error. Ergo, life is easier when you can just be accused of missing obvious hints. Usually subconsciously, many men see the risk of raising sensitivity as far outweighing the reward. Be direct ladies, men aren’t just dense(ok fine we are worse than women at figuring it out but that’s even more reason to raise specificity), they’re protecting their feelings which do exist. EDIT: Also, in this specific case, Rich is a BIG man, and if we’re being completely honest, that increases his incentive to minimize potential perceived creepiness. Probably not something he actively thinks about, just what he senses. That part is just a theory based on my own experience though, you can probably ask him about it someday. Doubt Alicia will read this long ass post though 🤨


Toga is truly my favourite, I don't even wanna fix her. Also valid on the intro skip, I thought I clicked the wrong episode too.