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Vol 6 RWBY 1-4

Watch "Vol 6 RWBY 1-4" on Streamable.


Ryan Elzinga

I like the Ruby x Weiss ship but I don't want them to be forced together


hey i'm new on patreon and was going to start watching the rwby reactions, but I saw that she was also rewatching the show before I start can someone please say in what season she stopped watching before starting this reactions? (English is not my first language so srry for any mistakes)

Ryan Elzinga

she hasn't seen the newest volume, she's rewatching as a refresher while bringing Kolma along as a blind reaction

Broccoli Ben

Finally getting to this after binging your Avatar reactions


Thanks for bringing the rest of the Bumblee-Black Sun thing into the big picture for me. It felt off and I knew some big shifts in the writing happened but not why. So looking back at it now, R/W and B/Y are close in ways that can't be compared to the sisterhood Ruby and Yang have. It means so much more when you choose to love someone than just loving them out of obligation. Also, it's been so long I forgot how messed up Oz and Salem's situations are


The whole thing about Sun and Blake was to explain the White Fan details. He was the information sponge so he got the exposition because he's a faunus. In the beginning she didn't trust humans but Volume 2 cemented Yang and Blake to at least have some kind of bond. Sun and Blake were purposely shown to not have synergy. Blake would explain her White Fang woes and Sun would completely miss the point. Also Volume 2 it was Yang who convinced Blake to go to the dance and not Sun who thought that Blake was acting "Blakey." He just didn't have a grasp on her. The point is Blake would never end up with another Faunus because. It would always be a human. Her role in the story is to be the bridge between Human and Faunus and by dating a human, she would show her people that it's possible to have a deep relationship with one. One that actually understands her and even provides the moral support. In V6 they still have things to work on but they finally work past that in future volumes. Also for two main characters, the typical formula for romance is the usual (Boy Meets Girl, Boy Loses Girl, and Boy gets Girl Back). with Blake and Yang that's of course subverted but remember, that Sun is a side character. There was no real development between Blake and Sun except that again...he was the information sponge. Typically romance between two main characters consists of first meetings, then conflict, then resolve then sweet reunion or stronger feelings developed. Monty even said it himself, "Romance has to be earned." He posted this a day after "Burning the Candle" aired. Bumbleby was planned from the beginning but not executed until "Burning the Candle." They needed a way to bond somehow and by Yang sharing her past trauma to get Blake to see that she "gets her" was the first step in establishing a connection. Obviously it wasn't romantic yet at that point but by the end of Volume 3, there's a shot of both Yang and Blake in the forground holding hands while Yang is unconscious and Sun in the background looking towards them. As if he knew he didn't have a shot because he knew at that moment where Blakes heart was. here's a website that better explains this: https://rwbytalk.wordpress.com/2019/01/31/sorry-rwby-fans-bumblebee-didnt-come-out-of-the-blue/


Sun being a side character doesn't remove him from being a romantic interest for Blake though. And let's be honest why would someone with abandonment issues go for somehow that constantly left them behind. When Yang got her to come back to the dance is what a partner would do how can you expect someone who you are supposed to trust with your life on the battle field to not care at all for you. I won't lie you bring up a great point with her being the bridge between faunus and humanity and it would have been great to see that being what takes center in their relationship but this dynamic would have only made sense if Weiss ended up with Blake. The romance was written awfully if it was intended from the start or wasn't it doesn't matter becuz they did end up together but that doesn't change the facts. And it was mostly over the toxicity of the BB shippers, believe me I know some personally while we don't discuss ships cuz I honestly could care less about who is banging who in a story where the focus should be if they can take Salem down they were toxic and weren't exactly the type to say what a good relationship is cuz oh boy what they in now is definitely anything but good.


Fr fr Oz should have just asked how to beat Salem not destroy her


Okay, well...sit tight because this one is going to be a long one LOL. Grabbing my notes...yeah you wouldn't be the first one. (^_^); Actually it's too bad this isn't in person. I loved doing discussions like this over food. At least my old anime club and I did. So let's begin...Their whole individual arcs were about getting over that hang up with each other. This is where character development takes place. And it's important for two of the main title characters to go through that journey. Main characters are typically given this development of either being broken down in the beginning and being built up throughout the story while other characters start off on a high then by the end of Act 2 they are humbled, broken down and rebuilt with a mentor or voice of reason who acts as a motivator. For Blake it was Sun who nudged her to go back to her team, meanwhile playing as backup and sidekick whenever she engaged in a fight. Even showed her that he wouldn't give up on her which motivated her to do the same for Ilia. For Yang, Taiyang was the one who stayed behind this time to help her realize there were better ways to tackle a problem instead of going "head first" into it. Blake had over time, learned to not run away when things got tough or when people she cared about were hurt. Plus she had to learn that what Yang went through was not her fault. Sun basically encouraged Blake to go back to her team and Sun even reminded Blake that while he would put his life on the line for her Yang would do the exact same thing, which is what she had done back at Beacon and would do again. Yes they were flawed, but to say that's how they are still (and I'm saying in future volumes), it just says that some people flanderize them and think it's impossible for them to change. But they eventually did. And the whole theme of forgiveness comes into play. which starts with Ghira, forgiving Blake and showing compassion for her such as the story of "The Prodigal Son." In that story, instead of disowning his son, the prodigal son's father threw him a party and was extremely happy to just have his son return to him which exhibited unconditional love. Blake took that example and end ups forgiving Ilia while one of Ghira's security guards question that act of forgiveness, Ghira mentioning to one of his security guards, ""She's learned a lesson that evaded me until I was much older - that there is strength in forgiveness." They both learned forgiveness in different ways. And healed in different ways. I watch a lot of RWBY panels so both CRWBY and Arryn would always say that Blake wasn't in the right head space to be with anyone during volumes 1-5 not to mention she was a bit oblivious since she had her own problems to think about let alone thinking about getting together with anyone in a romantic sense (always being afraid she would put any potential partner in danger) But out of everyone that ever left Yang, Blake was the ONLY one that came back to her which was a huge turning point. And Yang was right that it may take some time for it to go back to normal. That's pretty common with anyone that ever reunited after leaving on bad terms. And while she was still trying to process that in the first half of this volume 6, little by little she was healing. Just like that Japanese quote 千里の道も一歩より始まる (senri no michi mo ippo kara). "Even a road of a thousand miles begins with a single step" So yeah it was gonna take some time. They had to work on themselves before they could be ready for anyone romantically. Kerry once said, that they didn't have time and additional budget to show more of Yang's journey fleshed out as they needed to push the main story forward, so he mentioned to check out the RWBY Comics published by DC Comics coming Volume 4-5. it's a good companion to Volume as it shows moments that were not included in the show due to those time constraints. It really fleshes out the Blake and Yang stuff as well as Ruby and Weiss in their own respective comic issues. So according to Kerry, they're canon and written by Marguerite Bennett. The in comic artwork panels might be a mixed bag for some but the cover art for each issue are beautiful. Their whole entire story was entwined from the beginning with Yang's loss of her arm being foreshadowed in her Yellow Trailer Quote, ""Scathing eyes ask that we be symmetrical, one sided and easily processed. Yet every misshapen spark's unseen beauty is greater than its would be judgement." While the quote is about seeing Yang in such a simplified way that they miss out on her depth it's also about her physical assymetricness which is something Barbara had brought up at a RWBY Panel. Monty had described the quote to her and also mentioned before they entered preproduction that Yang would be losing her arm by Adam. So from that moment their story was already entwined. As for Sun, like I said he was an information sponge. A catalyst for Blake to get her back to her team all the while be the audience that gets some of her backstory. They don't have synergy because he never understood her. Some people think Sun and Blake have chemistry but this is a guy who stalked her EVERAL times. And I remember Arryn mentioning that for Blake, it triggered her, which is why Sun got slapped all those times. They were like two people talking over each other. But for his good points: Sun was the one who informed yang that Blake left... implying he stayed by yang's side to make sure she finds out. He knew how important Blake and Yang were to each other. And again, he pretty much shilled and reminded Blake of Yang and how she would protect her. Of course this is where we get the imbalance and lack of synergy between Sun and Blake. Let's start from the beginning and I'll borrow some stuff from RWBYTalk's website: ------ - Sun was introduced in the last episodes of V1 and Blake trusted him immediately, because… he’s a Faunus. - Though she told him about herself and the White Fang, he showed immediately he’s not on the same page as her as Faunus rights mean a lot to her and little to nothing to him. - In 2×01, Sun talks to Neptune about Blake and concluded “and the best part is she’s a Faunus”, which goes completely against Blake’s words in the next episode “I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am”. She began going on a downward spiral to which he reacts with “Is she being all Blake-y?”, while Yang’s the one who gets through to her by exposing her own vulnerability. Sun not fully understanding Blake is something the show hammers in our heads quite a few times even in more recent volumes. - When Yang asked Weiss where Blake and Ruby were, Sun was there, yet it was Yang alone who went after Blake. The next time we saw him, it’s after their injuries and he is noticing an injured Blake grabbing Yang’s hand. -No, this shot doesn’t exist to show Sun seeing Blake injured, because he already knew that. He had just told Ruby that Yang was going to be OK, and the one who brought her there was Blake. - After the fall, Sun looks at an injured Blake and Yang while the first apologizes to the latter with tears in her eyes. That shot exists for Sun to realize the connection between the 2 girls, not for him to see Blake injured (The shot in question) https://rwbytalk.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/vlcsnap-2019-02-11-00h17m50s263.png - In volume 4, he flirts, Blake is usually either apathetic or downright annoyed. The exception is after the injury, and like I said, he’s the one who brings up Yang, revealing he realizes the bond between them. ----- I've got more but I'll emd here for now as I have to go to bed since I have work the next morning LOL. But man, this was cool. I remember the days back in the 90s when I would have these power debates with college friends over dinner or late night breakfasts at Denny's. It's a weird experience doing this online but one plus is that I have my notes onhand. Since I'm back in school as a film student, I've been going through all my favorite shows from back in the 80s up until now and just dissecting them. Just out of pleasure which I know some will find strange. But I will end on this note. Monty's RWBY is a decompression story. While he was the idea and plot point guy, he loved when it was fleshed out to the point where EVERYTHING (the entire story) was a slow burn of info. He once pointed out his disdain for instant gratification of events and that none of the character should ever have the easy way out of things. All characters needed catharsis. He was a big fan of FF8 as well as Gurren Lagan so those were his main inspirations. But he was also a big otaku so his other inspirations were spread between different genres of anime. What he loved to do was take popular tropes and either subvert or invert them. Ugh okay now I'll head to bed. Nice chatting with you! Cheers! (^_^)b


I saw the Blake/Yang through line as valid, but the fandom was awful about it. It definitely tainted all the opinions. I'm fine with where it ended up, but the fandom path to getting there sucked.


I don't have an opinion on which "ships" but I personally don't like romance "drama" subplots, especially in series that don't focus on that to begin with. Romance? That's ok. Develop your romance subplots and give a nice payoff at the end. It's when it starts to be like a soap opera that it feels distracting and annoying. Back on RWBY, tbh, the way that they casually had the granny tag along felt a bit lazy. It seemed like a wasted opportunity to add a character more organically. The gods are dicks, what a surprise XD. If Salem wasn't such edge queen, I'd agree with her, f*ck the gods. I don't really understand what's the point of trying to conquer everything, though.

Ian Moscrop

What does " fandom path" even mean? Blake and Yang was always the plan. For 10 years.


i hope this is going to keep going


same i wanna see there reaction to certain scenes in this season and upcoming ones