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OP 414 + 415

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Wow, Alicia is speeding with One Piece. I haven't watched for like a week and I'm 40 episodes behind xD


Daaaamn girl be speed running!


Really excited for the next arc


I can't find it I might be remembering wrong but Oda implied outside of the story there were more things he couldn't say that happened to the 3 while slaves all at the age of 12

Yagi di Hoshi


Jimmy H Lam

Yeah... It's implied. Why do you think such strong women have such deep trauma. Incredibly sad the longer you think about it


Hancock is great. It makes sense her empress persona is so overbearing since she literally cannot show any weakness because of her trauma.


Way back in EP 3 of the live action I said "Nami could be standing there buck naked, and luffy would be like "yep still nami. When is dinner?"" To be honest I had this very scene behind the curtains with Hancock in mind when I said it.


I love how the explanation for the tattoo just totally recontextualizes Arlong and his crew in an instant. Guy is still an asshole through.


Aaaaand *this* is where a lot of peoples' love for Boa Hancock comes from. The double subversion of Seriously, though! The whole thing of "oh, y'all are gonna simp no matter HOW petty and selfishly she acts, just because she's pretty," but then being like "but actually, trauma! And things were way the fuck more complicated than that!" The emotional whiplash goes crazy, but, by the end, it's suddenly REALLY hard to hate her. Reframing the narrative like that goes crazy, for real. ...then again, I guess it's not like there aren't plenty of people who *would* definitely still be into her even if she *remained* some irredeemable monster, but that's not the point! Anyways! Big fan favorite, and seeing the back and forth on whether to love her or hate her from her intro up through the backstory reveal is just always kinda the best to see! ^^ ...and shu'p-- I'm not crying, you're crying. Watching both binges back-to-back and getting to all of that when still reeling from Saboady was ROUGH. ;~;

Billy Green

We've finally reached the point where even Alicia is starting to get bugged by the anime's pacing lol

angus Macintyre

ALSO THE AUTHOR HAS CONFIRMED THAT THE SLAVORY IS JUST AS DARK AS YOU ARE THINKING IT IS. his editors would'nt let him put anymore context so read between the lines there..........


The reason he doesn't go right into gear two is because the anime needs to fill more time. In the manga when he says he is going to go all out he goes straight into gear two, none of that poison mist shit.

unknown organism

Rewatching this arc years later only reinforces my belief that these slur slinging; Mouth-breathing; Cousin fucking; Epstein Island attending “Celestial Dragons” all deserve the worst deaths imaginable.

Cole Savoie

God Damn ALicia I thought getting a tooth pulled would slow you down not speed up your reactions

Cole Savoie

And with this we can add another Warlord that Luffy has "defeated" with a technical knockout


If you re-watch Boa's episodes after hearing her backstory, you can see that psychologically...she mentally never grew past the scared little girl she was back in the "Holy Land". But goddamn meeting Luffy is allowing her to move past that. Brings a tear to one's eye.

Bob The SkuII

i mean its women in slavery. idk how it was neccessary for Oda to confirm anything, its pretty obvious. if he put more in there honestly i think it'd be in bad taste imo.


Alicia just speed ran so much story in the last couple of days! But I totally get it! We, as in my friends and I, call this whole thing the 'Shit hits the fan' Arc.


I died when she called the 'MINNNNA'


HxH next maybe ❤️


I mean... That doesn't really complicate things. She's still a piece of shit. Nothing changed. She just has a really depressing backstory now.


So are most humans. And having some messed up background doesn't justify behavior, true. But the difference between being terrible for a reason, vs being such for no reason? Still makes a big change in perspective on someone. Partly because the former ends up using empathy to create a more positive bias, partly because the latter *also* comes across as being the least likely to ever change. For me, personally, I end up seeing Boa as, effectively, a petulant child who is emotionally stunted by her trauma such that she's never had to learn or improve as a person-- or rather, her degree of power, on top of that, ends up reinforcing such fucked up behavior as "her only way to stay safe." The behavior is objectively terrible regardless of who might be doing so, but as someone who at one point fell into the pattern of being a victim of abuse who internalized, normalized, and then repeated abusive behaviors? It's hard for me *not* to relate to that kind of context. Like, I was never so cartoonishly cruel as to kick kittens and smash up a group of kids' thoughtful art project, mind. But I also don't have, like, J cups on a ten inch waist. Anime exaggerates. One Piece, even moreso. So everything ends up being just a little bit different within the context of the medium. Like how Nami punches the hell out of people and it's played for comedy, despite that such is objectively horrific outside of the context of the medium. Media literacy, and all that. Regardless, though, my only assertion is that she's "harder to hate", compared to before. Not that everyone likes her, nor that there aren't plenty of people who still just dislike her. I just mention that many *do* like Boa, after that point. Totally fine not to-- I just really find it interesting to see how people's perspectives on characters do or don't change when it turns out that there's a bit more to the story. ^^ Excuse if it sounded like I was condoning her behavior up to that point, though-- that wasn't my intention! I'm not even really the biggest fangirl of Boa, myself; I just appreciate that she and her behavior have some interesting *context*, and I find it fascinating to see how other people respond to such, since my own perspective on the matter is pretty messy and vague. Ah, sorry about the wall of text, though! I just find this stuff interesting to ramble about, but I'm also kinda the *worst* at brevity. My bad! ^^;


BOA and her sisters got their devil fruit from being slaves. As probably a joke or some jester type shit.


Yeah, her backstory reframes this whole arc from 'she's an evil, haughty piece of shit' to 'Okay, she's still doing awful things, but in context I get it and even sympathize, but...maybe be less awful?'.

Sam Marsh

I could never forgive Arlong for what he did to Nami, but that said, the idea of him beating the crap out of a celestial dragon does sound pretty sweet.


Pretty much exactly that, yeah. I'm just terrible at summing things up, lol.

Chris White

Heheheheh, can’t wait for the next binge!!


"We saw men for the first time and were nothing but figures of horror" is a line with such dark implications. Of course, this is one piece and it will never elaborate on that and therefore "nothing happened", but we know what would've happened if that was in the real world.

james blaire

other reactor's 'that so sad' Alicia's reaction 'this show is just making me ugly cry, but that granny said ''i gott a tight ass pussy, not gonna let it go to waste'. me doing a spit take at that lol


Is Hancock showing some Marin vibes? Or maybe a zing?

Jimmy H Lam

Saint Pos Charlos had a dozen wives. I didn't think they cooked and did laundry


This was a great reaction. I’ve really been enjoying going between rewatching some of my favorite One Piece arcs via Alicia’s reactions and my own attempt to catch up to current One Piece (I’m on Whole Cake Island). I’m really looking forward to thseeing the reactions to next two arcs and all that entails.


It was never stated that the Boa sisters were "wives". Likely the case, but it was never said nonetheless.

angus Macintyre

ok i feel like i should clarify what i mean. One Piece while having dark themes is still a a very whimsical happy SHOUNEN. so there was always a possibility that boa and her sisters slavery was the PG-13 version of slavery. do you see what i mean?

Jack Godfrey

i think the reason luffy doesn't use 2nd gear as soon as the fight starts, is despite the seriousness of the situation luffy really likes fighting, and drags fights out as long as possible for the enjoyment of fighting


boa was 12 and the others are her younger sisters, they were even younger when they were all taken


Uh where are you getting this he really likes fighting from? Luffy isn't like Goku which who actually likes to fight.

Lewd Angel

It did happen as per Oda's confirmation, exactly what you're thinking


@Lewd Angel I'd need a source on that because there is no mention of it on the wiki. And again, I'm aware "that" would've happened for sure in reality, I just said that it was left as an implication and not as a fact.


Lordy we at Amazon Lily already? I took a break in the middle of Thriller Bark, I have so much catching up to do.

Justin Moore

Holy shit thanks for massive binge. Checked back to see if it was sizable to binge myself didnt realize you are at lily already.

Alopex The Wanderer

An amazing parallel is that Nami was tattooed with an Arlong symbol and then when she got free got it changed into her current pinwheel and tangerine one. Arlong was so broken by what happened to him he inflicted it on others.


I fell of during the post timeskip due to "growing up" and finding other interests, but holy moly, last third of Wano to now is PEAK piece and everything just glowed up.


Like 20 episodes ago when he said "YESSS A FIGHT!" when they met Duval...? Luffy likes fighting.


Arlong was never a slave, just part of the Sun Pirates, same for Hachi (and I think everyone else in Arlong's crew)


Boa sisters' trauma is very sad, but Hancock being naked is distracting me.

Chris White

Actually, they Were slaves of the celestial dragons. It shows in a future episode as a flashback to the days of fisher tiger. Honestly though, I hope hancock asks either her sisters, or granny Nyon to give her a tattoo over it. Maybe something that resembles the kuja symbol of their Jolly Roger.


Keep in mind about Luffy delaying going into 2nd gear. He did that against who he thought was an actual warlord, one that also beat the crap out of his entire crew before and was told about how terrifyingly powerful he is. All this too while on a time limit to try and avoid an Admiral who was on the way. Luffy's usual M.O. even with opponents he knows are pretty powerful isnt really to use his ace in the hole, one that leaves him vulnerable and damage his body too.

DaniDeFig (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 10:00:34 Ok, so I might be wrong about this: But I *think* this fight is extended in the Anime. This is why I couldn't keep watching. They keep adding "filler" into Arcs, story beats, and even fights. Sometimes it can be nice, like when we get to see WAY more of the crew taking Camie to the amusement park. But other times it messes up the pacing of the story.Especially like here where it *kills* the pacing of the fight. Adding filler to a fight is *Clinically* INSANE. Additionally, this way of doing filler, where they add stuff to canon Arcs, storylines, and even *scenes* messes with my grasp of what is and isn't Canon. Fucks with my memories of what happened in the Manga. Nope. I got out. Now the only way I tolerate this Anime is through reactions. The announcement that they're making a proper adaptation, with seasons, makes me thrilled! Also, watching Luffy bow so low that he knocks over his hat is always a delight. We *know* that's something he learned from Vivi!
2024-06-17 01:01:21 Ok, so I might be wrong about this: But I *think* this fight is extended in the Anime. This is why I couldn't keep watching. They keep adding "filler" into Arcs, story beats, and even fights. Sometimes it can be nice, like when we get to see WAY more of the crew taking Camie to the amusement park. But other times it messes up the pacing of the story. Especially like here, where it *kills* the pacing of the fight. Adding filler to a fight is *Clinically* INSANE. Additionally, this way of doing filler, where they add stuff to canon Arcs, storylines, and even *scenes* messes with my grasp of what is and isn't Canon. Fucks with my memories of what happened in the Manga. Nope. I got out. Now the only way I tolerate this Anime is through reactions. The announcement that they're making a proper adaptation, with seasons, makes me thrilled! Also, watching Luffy bow so low that he knocks over his hat is always a delight. We *know* that's something he learned from Vivi!

Ok, so I might be wrong about this: But I *think* this fight is extended in the Anime. This is why I couldn't keep watching. They keep adding "filler" into Arcs, story beats, and even fights. Sometimes it can be nice, like when we get to see WAY more of the crew taking Camie to the amusement park. But other times it messes up the pacing of the story. Especially like here, where it *kills* the pacing of the fight. Adding filler to a fight is *Clinically* INSANE. Additionally, this way of doing filler, where they add stuff to canon Arcs, storylines, and even *scenes* messes with my grasp of what is and isn't Canon. Fucks with my memories of what happened in the Manga. Nope. I got out. Now the only way I tolerate this Anime is through reactions. The announcement that they're making a proper adaptation, with seasons, makes me thrilled! Also, watching Luffy bow so low that he knocks over his hat is always a delight. We *know* that's something he learned from Vivi!