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OP 404 + 405

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The strawhat crew died here.


Definitely one of the most brutal episodes in the whole series.

Rhiley Jones

even though I had already watched it, this episode gave me a fucking panic again. memories from the day I watched it are flooding back, no wonder Christmas was never the same sorry if it's oversharing


12:03 "Whooo~ Why am I crying? Q_Q" Bro, we haven't even started... 31:09 Yeah, I do think that this arc was purposely set up to give you a very clear idea of what the arc was "going" to focus on. Then it hard cuts to *this*. If no-one tells you how short this arc is, you might expect it to be as long as the usual main fighty ones. But no. Turns out we aren't powerful enough to fight racism yet. Yet. 47:46 Yepp. That is indeed FUCKED. The most unhinged ending to a One Piece episode yet. Fucking hell... Still love your content Alicia ^^