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OP 392 + 393

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not sure if you read these but im gonna lore dump about the real life bonny lol so this is her final battle she was a crew mate of calico jake(in one piece: Yorki Brooks captain) (they were also lovers but more on that later lol) one night while the crew was incredibly drunk Bonny and Mary Read were on the deck of the ship when a ship came that belonged to the governor ordered them to surrender most of the pirates were to drunk to do anything and the competent men that weren't drunk quickly surrendered at the first sign of trouble leaving Read and Bonnie the lone pirates facing off against all of the governors men. Sometime during the battle Mary shouted down in the hold “If there’s a man among ye, ye’ll come up and fight like the man ye are to be!” and when no one answered she shot into the hold and killed one of her shipmates. Finally Marry and Bonnie get overpowered and sent to the gallows as a final request calico jack requested to see Bonnie one last time since she was carrying his baby and bonny said “If you had fought like a man, you need not have been hang’d like a dog.” he would die 10 days later but Marry and Bonnie were lucky enough to have a stay of execution because both were pregnant and unfortunately no one knows what happened after that stay


I will never be able to look at Hawkins the same way again after you made the Alucard comparison because DAMN, the similarities are there. xD

Code Kagari

poor hawkins man LOL

Shatol Darmelo

Some people in the comments *really* need to fucking stop doing little hints and comments based on shit that happens later and WAY later in the show Any spoiler is a spoiler, no matter how "little" of a thing you each personally think it is Stfu

Yagi di Hoshi

okay, so, BACK WHEN THIS EPISODE AIRED, THE P*DOBEAR MEME WAS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH. i saw the clip on youtube back then (2009) of Saint Shalria shooting that slave guy, some commenter pointed out that she kinda resembles Sarah Palin. With both these things combined, you jogged my memory so hard, Alicia, that i was just laughing hysterically while my sister might be napping


Holy shit, I really hope these celestial dragons are horribly murdered soon; Oda perfectly crafted them to be the most repugnant characters mathematically possible.