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Konosuba 2x6

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Miklar Sihn

Lets be fair to Kazuma. If i was living with the people he does, i would also fall in love with the first girl with common sense i met. His life is too hard for anything else. (Just to make it clear, he is definitely incredibly responsible for how hard his life is. A good part of that is letting the holy sword excalibur do the thinking.)


It's so fu€ked that people change their comments, And alicia gets all the backlash. In the other hand, I also feel addressed and don't know what to think about it. Yes, I find many female anime characters attractive, such as Kagome (Inuyasha), Asuna (SAO), Nami and many more. The problem in this matter is that I'm a 28y M and at the time I started finding (most of) them "attractive" (and still do), I was younger or the same age as the characters. And am I now a "creep" because I'm getting older and the characters are deliberately drawn younger? I mean, I will continue to find drawn characters hot in the future who are "officially" underage (15+).


I swear to God no one better spoil it, but there's a line said in this reaction that is going to be absolutely hilarious in retrospect.


9:43 that annunciation on fuck ed caught me off guard ther

james blaire

I just notice but vanir laughs like Cain from digital circus lol


As someone who is extremely ticklish...I'd prefer you play whatever emotionally manipulative card you have availble rather than tickle me. Pretty, pretty, pretty please. Mentally scar me for life. Emotionally cripple me, leaving me a husk of a man. But please just don't touch my sides :'-(


Why is Megumin best girl? Because only she would take Kazuma's brand new short wakizashi and turn it into a penis joke