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Owl House 3x1

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Patrick McIntyre

It is unfortunate that Disney chose to shorten and then cancel season 3. No reason was ever given and Disney's track record of cutting out thing like LGBT and minorities in foreign versions has made people suspect the awesome representation the owl house had is why. It was doing really well in engagement and views too. I don't want to believe that's why but it unfortunately fits a pattern Disney has. Like back when som of star wars' actors talked about how they were asking for more gay representation since Finn an Po had the perfect chemistry for it and even jj was supposedly fighting for it, but they still got shot down by executives.

Julio Castillo

You can piece together what really happened in the story of the Whittebane Brothers if you look at the portraits in the background of the episode “Hollow Mind”. Or you can watch a YouTube video that explains it. Either way is fine.