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Dungeon Meshi 1x15

Watch "Dungeon Meshi 1x15" on Streamable.



I love stories with Alice! ☺️ And it doesn't matter what kind of story it is, whether sad, informative or funny (yes, mostly the funny), it's always such a joy to listen to.

Extra Crispy

Holy crap i thought i was the only one! i am a guy with ADHD and i behave exactly like that around all my lady friends; ive literally been in that exact situation with the girl on the bed except we were lying down and talking rather than just sitting. I just don't want to make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe especially because I'm a big guy so i do a lot of overthinking and awkward displays of platonic friendship and oh the apologizing so much of that too. Thankfully they seem to find it endearing but sometimes i wish i wasn't on such a hair trigger about that kind of stuff because its kind of embarrassing 😅.