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Konosuba 2x3

Watch "Konosuba 2x3" on Streamable.



"I got cheese, you want some?" fucking killed me


I find it funny that Megumin and Kazuma are only two years apart, with Megumin being 15, and Kazuma being 17, yet Kazuma always tells her she's "too young to drink." Like, bitch, so are you! Why are you drinking? (Edit: Nevermind, I got the numbers mixed up. Megumin is actually 14. Drinking is a perfectly normal thing for a 17-year old like Kazuma. Literally everyone underage drinks as a teen, but 14 is a little too underage, not that your average 14-year old would recognize this. So good on you Kazuma for telling her no.) ( I'm not endorsing underage drinking by the way, Kazuma still shouldn't be drinking, but it's not that weird that he does.)


In that fantasy medieval ages world Kazuma is considered an adult but of course in our world he's still a kid. Also he's not 17 yet that's towards the end of the series


You might like the Princess Connect anime, it's all of the comedy and absurdity (and AMAZINGLY beautifully magic animations) of Konosuba without the degenerate horniness


in the light novel, Megumin has confessed her feelings to Kazuma and they've entered a relationship

Aye Jaye

Wait did Alicia ask for this, or are you just spoiling it for no reason?

Polle The Gamer

we whould watch zenith gameplay (i whould)