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HxH Ep 38

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Ging's parenting makes Goku look like Piccolo.


Basically Alicia: This man and that man and that man over there has facial stubble...THEY ALL LOOK THE SAAAAAAME!


15:12 Azu with a shotgun... How many did catch strays? o/

Julio Castillo

At the very least... Ging had the decency to leave Gon with people he knew would raise him well... and not abandon him in god-knows-where. Also he did not assume Gon's personality, he left the tape with Mito IN THE CASE that Gon became a Hunter and developed a strong desire to meet him, he instructed Mito to only give the Box to Gon IF he became a Hunter... and based on her expressions it seemed like Mito was still not gonna give it to him... until Gon re-stated that he still will look for Ging. The fact that Ging left Gon to be raised peacefully and in a stable home already means that he gave him the freedom to choose whatever lifepath he wanted, if Gon ended up wanting to be a constructor or anything else other than a Hunter then he would have continued his peacefull life without ever having to worry or think about his father. Also we have to take into account that if Ging decided to raise Gon by himself... Gon would've grown up without a stable home/life and potentially being on dangerous situations that he did not choose. As Ging himself stated... Hunters are often Selfish creatures and he obviously wasn't going to abandon his job as a Hunter even if he had children, so settling down on Whale Island was probably never an option for him. Im not trying to excuse Ging's decisions of course... after all if he didn't want to have Family responsabilities then he shouldn't have been fooling around and having a kid in the first place... im just trying to lay out the situation as objectively as possible... and given the kind of of character Ging seems to be... he made the best possible decision by leaving him on Whale Island to be raised by Mito.


your excusing Ging despite saying that's not what your trying to do. also saying "Ging did the best he could considering his character" means nothing when the entire point is that his character is shit

Ryan Lamarre

I laughed a bit when Alicia said "oh hes being hunted, he doesnt want gon to be in danger" but it was a sad laugh. Ging Freecs is the biggest deadbeat in anime. He saw his son as a burden to his freedom and dropped him off with his family. Did he at least drop him with good people? Yes, but thats so much the very least he could do. Ging Freecs is a shit dad and a shit person. And Gon wants to meet him anyway.


TIL Azu and I are the same age