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:3 its been a while


spider 12+13

Watch "spider 12+13" on Streamable.


Christian Griswold

Im so glad they are continuing to watch this one. Even if the Human parts can get kinda boring sometimes, the Spider parts make this one of my fav Isekai anime out there.

Charlie baker

Had to drop this show honestly

Gas Bandit

"I don't give a FUCK about these humans!" Literally every Kumoko watcher, including me. Good on ya, Alicia.


I’m really glad you’re getting back to this series. This series is way better than the premise would suggest and there are some great twists on the near horizon.


Is this still in redemption ?


Yaaaaay I was hoping you'd return to this series one day. Some great moments on the horizon :D


We need ore cute spider!~

Broccoli Ben

This is one of those series that I happen to watch while it was airing because I was on a huge anime grind at the time. The human sections definitely lost my interest a lot, but I still enjoyed the whole thing. The finale is definitely my favorite episode. Hope you return to other series as well.