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TAD 1x24

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I am so glad I held off on reading the LN series until S1 completed (I've had vol 1 in my Kindle library for months now). I'm normally the kind of guy who, when a new anime series piques my interest, I dive into the LN series immediately - but I didn't do that for this, Frieren, or Solo Leveling. And I'm really happy about that. I won't be anime only when S2 airs in 2025, but I'm really glad I made it this long.

Frank Stendal

When I watched the OP with the first episode, I thought to myself, "the dancing seems out of character for her" and went on about my business. NOW IT MAKES SENSE. Well played.

Sweyn Nelson

OK since this is the season finale I can ask questions to make sure I understand things. We know jinshi is not a eunuch. But maomao still thinks he is? We know jinshi lies about his age, but am i right that it implied he was the child born on the same night as the current emperor? That the mother was the concubine who was forced to leave the rear palace as she could not have kids after said birth? If that is correct, doesn't that make jinshi the half brother of the current emperor, and he just lives his lie in secret to protect the emperor from a power usurping plot, if say jinshi was born a few min earlier than the emperor? That living in secret until the emperor has a male heir also prevents jinshi from being the heir? Did I make that all up or did I understand the inferences correctly?


So, this is simply my understanding from watching up till now, with no further knowledge, so I might be wrong. It's acutally not 100% certain what Maomao thinks about Jinshi. She at first assumed he was an eunuch, simply because they (and the imperial family) are the only ones allowed inside the rear palace. So, given that Jinshi regularly visits and oversees the rear place, he has to be either an eunuch or part of the imperial family. Given that no one at the rear palace seems to treat Jinshi like royalty, there's no reason to assume he's part of the imperial family, so he can only be an eunuch, so that's what Maomao thinks he is. Although, it's impled Maomao is starting to have doubts, ever since saving Jinshi from being killed, because why would they let a simple eunuch lead such an important ceremony, but actively chooses not to think about it, since it would only make her life more complicated. And as for Jinshi himself, I think you're partially right, but it was my understanding that he's actually the son of courtesan Ah Duo and the current emperor, thus making Jinshi the eldest son of the current emperor and the rightful crown prince of the empire. Ah Duo may have been officially the concubine of the current emperor's father, but was always much closer to the current emperor himself. But yes, Ah Duo was indeed giving birth at the same time the emperor's younger brother was born, resulting in her infertility due to them prioritizing the other kids safety, and later switched Jinshi with the emperor's younger brother to keep Jinshi safe. Thus Jinshi, the emperor's biological son, was raised as the emperor's younger brother, while the actual younger brother of the emperor died, due to the former head lady in waiting unknowingly feeding him honey, which he couldn't yet digest at that age. Or at least that's my understanding of things thus far into the story. Again, I might have misunderstood things, but I'm 99,9% sure that that is what was implied.


Just binged this show over the past two days and I must say I really enjoyed it. Unfortuantely, I too was partially spoiled alongside Alicia, since I saw the ban note, so I had somewhat of an idea going in, but it was still a joyful ride to the end. Can't wait for the next season to air. And as always, thx Alicia for the fun time. I may not always 100% agree with all of your takes (and I still find your habit of talking shit about others for no reason more annyoing than endearing), but I still undoubtedly enjoy watching your content. Keep up the good work 😄.