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the finale!


Sign 1x12

Watch "Sign 1x12" on Streamable.


Vik Persson

Yuki: "He has traveled the world. How can I make it fun for him?" Us: "Uh.... Show up."


Fun little Easter egg in this episode. I think it is at about the 3:50 mark in the episode. it is where Yuki is taking pictures of the flowers and Itsu is watching her. A couple walks behind them. It's a guy with glasses and a cute girl with pinkish hair. This couple is from a different series by the mangaka. I thought it was cute that they were able to slip in characters from one of her other series.




I honestly never thought I'd see another romance anime I adored as much as Horimiya, but this one is a serious contender. Glad you took the time to watch it, Alicia!


Ituomi is almost too good of a man! not getting into my own gender identity (because it's a wee bit complicated), but in general I'm only attracted to girls/femininity. But it only took this man 1 episode for me swoon over him! and he only got better with each episode!