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Frieren Ep 27

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Serie talks a lot of shit but never follows through, she's just a softie


hmm, not really sure if agreeing with series is a good thing though. after all, agreeing with the aloof hardhead, who constantly misjudges and belittles others for no good reason, might not be the best testament of character. Edit: not to mention, what series said is is kinda bs anyways. i mean, what did frieren actually do during the second selection? the only people who travelled alongside frieren in the dungeon were fern and sense, neither of whom needed frieren's help to make it, so everyone else who made it to the inner sanctum, made it on their own power, without frireren having anything to do with them making it through. and as for battles, the only fight frieren took part in was against her own copy, which again doesn't effect any of the other participants in anyway. if anything, if frieren haddn't been around, neither would have been her copy, which was the only one who gave the others any trouble at all. they took care of all the other copies by themselves just fine. so claiming that frieren allowed anyone to pass is just ignoring facts and insulting others for no reason.


They are also racing against the clock. Fern lacks enthusiasm for dungeon exploration and tends to be passive in team situations (refer to the second round, she wasn't the one making decisions). Frieren, on the other hand, studied the dungeon and taught Fern on what to be aware of along the way, this insight has also influenced amongst other candidates. Knowledge definitely plays a huge part in saving lives inside the dungeon.