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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Watch "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" on Streamable.



I enjoyed a lot of this more that the "fandom", too. I did have some problems with suspension of disbelief regarding space battle concepts presented, though. You're right, mate, the next one became the last film for the foreseeable future. They concentrate on the spin-off and back-story shows now. Looking forward to seeing what you think of "Rise of Skywalker".

Kevin (31Mike)

While I didn't dislike these last three movies, I also didn't 'love' any of the prequel or sequel movies. The original three are absolute classics that can't be touched, though I'm speaking of the 'ORIGINAL' originals, not the doctored versions where Lucas added characters and special effects. To me, he screwed things up doing that. Only the original versions should ever be watched.