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FRIENDS Season 8 Episode 9



Just wanna point out ross is always apologizing to rachel but Rachel is not , annoying to see him getting walk over all thé Time lol

Tom Jordan

Dillion there's a term for people who change after high school, then go on to college, university and start building there own families, it's called growing the f**k up in school, where all childish and immature and do immature things, but then we grow out off that, when we mature into adulthood. I'm a victim of bullying and I've moved on, I've got so much going on for me now, plus those experiences whether good or bad, has made me who I am. I have a friends whom have been victims of bullying too, who now have met their bullies and they have apologised for their abuse and are now acting like adults. Now I'll never get that chance, but it doesn't matter to me, I've learned to move on actually use my experiences for the benefit of others who have gone through what I did, gives them hope. Making your testimony can become someone's message of hope.