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FRIENDS Season 7 Episode 21

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I agree that flashbacks are not so great compared with normal episodes but I do think this flashback episode works quite well though as it’s a lovely look back on their relationship before the wedding! Also seconding what Annie said! When these were broadcast it was pretty different to now with all our abilities to stream and stuff! So for many people it may have been years since they had seen some of the older clips which makes it nice to reminisce!


"one of the most boring episodes" but you were laughing and smiling a lot during basically all the scenes though so I don't see how its boring unless you were laughing and smiling for an unrelated reason lol great reaction though. i like it when they mix a flashback episode with new scenes and give context as to why we are getting flashbacks like in this they are writing their vows and remembering their relationship/friendship so it makes it less boring for me personally.