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Things have started to calm down in my house now. After days of my wife and son ( Who has Autism) struggling to sleep and being scared after my wife got pushed and robbed, the police contacted us this morning and informed us that they have found our house keys, but everything else has been stolen. At least they do not have the ability to come into out house at all. I am sorry for everyone who has been waiting the last two days, but just know I have been looking after my queen and prince. They mean everything to me. I am back tonight recording. Thank you guys.



thinking of you. i have autism (obviously everyone with autism acts and feels different) but i can imagine how hard that must have been for your son with how overwhelming and vulnerable he must have felt. if your daughter was also with your wife i hope she is ok too as shes really little too. i do keep checking to see if youve uploaded but thats just because i hope things can turn a corner for your family soon and you are feeling better. your family is so lucky to have you. im sure you must have felt helpless not having been there in that situation. me and all your patreons will be here for you when you are able. wishing your wife and son in particular all the strength.

Susan Stork

Your family comes first. Please don't apologize. I extend my sympathies to your wife, son and your entire family; for having to go through this. We can wait.