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Sorry to everyone who has been waiting. I have been busy trying to get visas for my family and tickets all sorted to move to Australia in 2 months. The last 2 days have been wild. No sleep or relaxing involved.


Raga Gopalakrishnan

No worries, mate. I know from personal experience that even short-stay (tourist/visitor) visas can be such a pain for most countries, let alone long-term/permanent visas. The paperwork alone can drive you mad. And they’re not cheap either - no, sir! My most recent experience was with France for a short-stay Schengen visa to attend a conference. I couldn’t even find an appointment although I started looking months in advance. Tried other EU countries like Germany, Spain, Belgium, and no luck. Finally lucked out with Netherlands (and I had to spend extra to ensure I spent more time in Netherlands than in France) only to find out when the visa finally arrived that it was valid only from the date I arrive in Netherlands. 😔🥵😡🤬😭 So you take your time (at least with my pending requests) and deal with all the bureaucracy shit. Good luck with everything!

Ryan Moore

No sleep?! THAT doesn't seem healthy.