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Friends Season 7 Episode 5

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Not all friends episodes are gonna be hilarious that's not how sitcoms work, Seinfeld, cheers, Fraser, all had their share of just ok episodes but overall they were great, for what it's worth I'm glad you're enjoying this journey as a whole 🙏


You know Matthew Perry would have had a say in doing the script if it bothered him.


David Schwimmer is one of the kindest person in business, there's no way he would even tried to shade Matthew Perry's life issues for a sitcom script. Matthew Perry did had a rough time during the shows running, but it never really affected his performance on the show.

Kevin (31Mike)

I think you may have misunderstood the scene where Chandler was falling asleep. Joey gave him an antihistamine. That's not a super strong drug, like it seems you may be thinking. It's an allergy pill that you can buy over the counter. It can tend to make you sleepy, which is what Chandler was in that scene, nit high or on some strong narcotic.

Jedi Beavis

You are definitely off base about Schwimmer. Allergy pills can cause drowsiness, and I don't think he wrote the episode.

SuBin Kim

David Schwimmer never wrote any episodes, he just directed a small handful. And like others have said an antihistamine is an over the counter allergy pill that may cause drowsiness and/or make you sleepy