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The Little Mermaid 2023

Watch "The Little Mermaid 2023" on Streamable.


SR Fitness Reacts

I saw it in theaters over the weekend and loved it. I think I loved it even more the second time! It is absolutely spectacular! Thanks for the reaction and letting me experience it again so quickly with you❤

Cassie Jean

The woman who handed Ariel food and a fork in the village is Jodi Benson woman who was the voice of the original Ariel


It was charming. I did find the CGI sea characters had the same problem as the animals in 'Lion KIng'. Being true to their form didn't allow for the facial expressions we got in the animated versions. It was a feast for the eyes, and the original songs were well conceived, but I wasn't a fan of the new numbers in general. I do have to ask: did your copy come like that. It seemed to be cropped from a wide screen version.


it was interesting what you said about experiencing racism as a white person as most people have the opinion that you cant be racist against white people because of white privilege