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Friends Season 7 Episode 2

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I think Monica was just excited over having the prospect of a grand wedding and she wasn't thinking with her head clearly. But once she had her moment of clarity, she realizes that having a grand wedding isn't important. I agree with you, I find grand wedding a waste of money. At the end of the day it is just a party and it's not worth it to spend a fortune on them.


Color me not offended.


I agree with the wedding stuff. I mean if you have the money then sure have a grand wedding. I’d rather go to the courthouse then go on an amazing honeymoon and put a down payment on a house

Jedi Beavis

Calm down Dillon. No use getting pissed off at a 20 year old sitcom story.


I do not often comment here, however I very much enjoy these reactions. I must say that I have no issue with Dillons rants. They most often just show that he understands the morals that are being portrayed in these episodes. My own personal rant about this episode was about the parents of Monica and Ross. How they 2 seasons/years ago had no issue paying for half of the wedding between Ross and Emily in London yet now that Monica comes to them for this wedding fund that there has obviously been an understanding about between them for most of her life, they once again show their lack of faith in her as well as a total disregard for her feelings by not having informed her of them having spent it on something else many years before. Rant over, have a nice day.


i know a lot of women dream of the perfect wedding but i want a marriage but not mad keen on a big wedding. i like that chandler was willing to spend all the money just because it was important to monica though. glad monica realised the priority tho

Radha Karia

I totally get where you guys are coming from and I am like that too. But now that I am 33 I have been to quite a few extravagent weddings and it really makes the bride and groom happy to be able to have that kind of a wedding and get that time with their friends and family and luxaries. For those that can afford it. Sadly in India big weddings are the norm and people go into debt trying to finance them. But when they can afford it and they want it, why not if it makes them happy. This one wedding I went to, the bride was dancing all by herself while everyone was eating cuz she was just so happy. She told the band to keep going cuz she wasn't gonna stop. My best friend's wedding was a grand one with three events. She is an Indian Jew so she did the Jewish wedding first and Indian mehendi and sangeet (dance) function after the wedding but it really was fun to spend time with her family and other friends. Cuz we never really do that. Everyone is busy and its nice to spend time with your loved ones once in a while. And a wedding is a once in a lifetime event. So even if I would never have a big wedding, now I understand why people do.