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Mean Girls

Watch "Mean Girls" on Streamable.


Jeanette Dawe

so glad you are doing this movie!


This reaction is him just mocking American Accents for an hour.

Eric Janssen

Let this be a lesson, girls: You can NOT make men watch Mean Girls, no matter how many times you grew up watching it. Maybe if you'd tried watching real movies instead.


Seriously, dude? It might not be for everyone, but plenty of guys like this movie. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/3ne9y6/how_many_guys_liked_mean_girls/ I searched it up before I requested it because I was worried that I’m a guy that just happened to like it… and it seems plenty of other dudes thoroughly enjoy it as well. What are “real” movies to you? Because no matter what movie it is, there will be people out there who think it sucks… so stop hating on what other people enjoy. if it’s not hurting anyone, who gives a fuck?? Just keep scrolling… it’s not that hard


Honestly if girls watch guy films why can’t guys watch girl films. Films about girls are so often looked down on but enough of the patriarchy and embrace films that aren’t all action


You wanna see mean girls, watch Black Widow 👀


Okay first of all: Let this be a lesson, girls? Excuse me? The way you phrased that sounded so degrading. Don't talk down on women like that. I don't appreciate it. Secondly: Dillon doesn't seem to share your opinion. He said it was a good movie and he gave it a 7 out of 10. And last time I checked Dillon was a man. So how about instead of judging and trying to be funny by being sexist, you take some time to rethink your narrow-minded worldviews.

Radha Karia

I started watching it on youtube then I am like wait! I literally just got the patreon membership so cheers!


Is friends coming?


Jody from Friends is just as stupid as Karen and you laugh at Joey. Don’t be bias. I never understand why people like Joey, too damn stupid