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My dad has been unwell and he is one of my biggest fans. He will see your messages as he is a Patreon. Wish him well and to keep fighting. Thank you all.💖


Elizabeth Olsen

Oh no! So sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon! ❤


Oh no! I'm sorry about your dad, please send him our love and support , and let him know that he is in our prayers! Please take as long as you need, and I wish you and your family well!!! Have a good day!!!

Ryan Moore

Given how much family means to you, I can only imagine it means the same to him. Please tell him that all the Dilloniacs wish him a quick and thorough recovery.

Jeanette Dawe

take all the time you need, family is most important


So sorry to hear that Dillon. I am praying for your dad to have a fast recovery

Alyson Addington

Live well and keep going! Good thoughts and well wishes, take it easy and don't try and recover too fast. Unfortunately, nature knows better than us and will always choose to prove it at the worst possible time. But I'm sure you'll be back with us all soon enough. Keep us updated :)


Dear Dillon's Dad, if you are reading this I hope you feel real better soon! All the love and a speedy recovery.


Kevin, I'm sending positive energy your way. Your son has shown remarkable resilience in the past. Hopefully it runs in the family. . ✨

Mette Iversen

Hope you feel better soon! Sending hugs and love to all pf you all the way from Norway! ❤❤