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Love, Simon

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Well-articulated reaction, mate. I found it a well-written, sympathetic exploration of the topic. I just feel it represented a reality that does not happen as often as we'd like, or, at least, that we hear about. And the light-hearted approach resonated with me, too. Glad you got to see it!


the principal is my favourite character ever 🤣 I love this one. It was the first movie I've seen that managed to portray realistic feelings and thought processes of gay people who are still in the closet (like me). It is not always due to a highly intolerant, backward environment that one does not come out. Because even in such an ordinary, perfect suburb with friendly people and a loving family, it isn't easy. And just because you're not telling you're parents, doesn't mean you don't love or trust them! But most people cannot talk about their emotions as openly as the parents and friends in this movie. It hasn't always something to do with the fear of reactions from friends or dislike, but simply because you do not feel like it yet. It is an extremely personal decision that should not be taken from you, no matter how supportive others around you want to be. Because that's often not the problem that holds you back. It's something in the head that you have to sort out by yourself. And as the film thematized, you also have to free yourself from the thought of having to officially come out. Because others don't have to do it either. Most people always say: "Yes, but after coming out everything is much better and not as bad as you imagine, you just have to get it over with...". But it's never the same situation for everyone. Some feel very relieved, but for some, it makes no difference or they just feel strange. And not to forget all the people who really have to fear the reactions of a religious or intolerant family! But I just liked that the film didn't go in that extreme direction, but portrayed this topic in a relatively boring environment. I mean not much happens at all in the film, but the emotions behind it made it good. Thanks for watching it :) And also to the person who requested it!

Raga Gopalakrishnan

You’re welcome, Caroline! 😉 This film came out around five years after I came out to my parents and my mom was still vehemently in denial. I went to watch this film in the theater on my own. I broke down sobbing at the scene where his mom talks about how he can exhale now, wishing my mom was even 1% as understanding. I understand your point - everyone’s different and coming out is a decision that they need to make on their own in their own time. Good luck, Caroline!