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Sleeping Beauty

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Well, mate, you did it justice. As I told you earlier, it's one of my experiences that cemented my appreciation of classical music. The score was adapted from the ballet of the same name by Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), who remains one of my favorites. I've watched this movie more than any other I know. Guess you could say I "love" it. Don't disregard "Maleficent", it's not the same story, although similar plot and characters would suggest otherwise. The original sources were meant as aids to teach moral lessons. They often cast things in black/white to emphasize their points. Today's current sensibility seeks to soften that frame-of-reference, to be more understanding of the complexity of human experience. Lecture over. I leave you with one of my favorite Disney trivia questions: without looking, who won the battle over the dress?


First of all, Onlyfans... I knew you got fans but damn Dillon, you got FANS. hahahahahhaha. Second, what do you mean by legend? Did i miss something? How does someone become a legend, is it the tier above this one? XD. Im feel like im missing something XD. - I havnt seen this movie since i was a kid. So watching it again after all these years, just knowing the big lines of the story.. I absolutely LOVED it. I say it again and i will keep saying it: The music is PHENOMENAL and the movie is sooo beautifully painted.. wouw. Its making me tear up. - Maybe you can look for a music box. Open it and read to your children. So they hear you, follow the story, while the sound of music brings them into their own world. While they slowly fall asleep. It would be magical for me. I would even like it today. You could do this sometimes to make it an extra special occasion. So when they grow older they have these lovely memories of their childhood with their dad. And whenever they hear the music from the music box, it makes them nostalgic and fills them with love and happiness. Just an idea :p. - Okay.. Im not sure i've seen this movie before. I thought i had.. I had a poster of sleeping beauty in my room untill i was 15 i think. Maybe i've seen bits and pieces on the internet, and thats why i thought i had seen it... No... im sure i've seen this when i was little. But its been so long ago, and had other different movies i absolutely loved, i forgot this one. Anywaysss, great movie. Love the story and script. And im glad you love these old movies as well. Nowdays we are so used to animation like Frozen and Coco, that when we see old animated movies, not everyone appreciates them. While they are abolutely stunning as well. So im glad you do and see the beauty in them.

Eric Janssen

Thought they were still fighting over it at the end? (Seriously, blue won out, but Disney later had to change it to pink in the marketing, since everyone kept confusing her with Cinderella.)