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Alyson Addington

I do live smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, and have been through two tornadoes. They are shit-your-pants terrifying and mentally traumatizing....I love this movie anyway, despite its inaccuracies and hollywood-ification, though. I still don't know why. Probably because with the exception of two scenes, the tornadoes in this movie aren't realistic and therefore not in the least frightening to me, lol. Good entertainment! There are two types of storm chasers....the kind that do it for the science, and the kind that do it for the thrills. I have the utmost respect for the first kind. The educators seeking to understand the storm so that others can be better prepared for it, the path it may take and the damage it may cause, and the spotters with little to no scientific background who simply want to report a storm's position to warn others in its path. I have very little tolerance for the thrill seeker adrenaline-junkie asshats who put their lives and the lives of others at risk because of their own inexperience and sense of invulnerability. That's the only drawback I have about movies like this. They tend to turn storm chasing into a high-stakes kind of adventure film with way too many scenes where the heroes survive by doing something heroically cinematic that would actually be quite suicidal in real life. Hiding under a bridge? Suicide. (and you can blame MY tornado for planting the idea that hiding under a bridge or overpass was safe. Different story though.) Trying to outrun the thing? Suicide. Belting yourself to a pipe in a barn full of sharpened farm implements? Suicide. Also your corpse will likely be found in several places at once. If at all. Holding the storm cellar door closed? Why? Wind pressure does not work like that. If anything, it will hold the door closed FOR you. There're even "tornado tours" now, advertised and run by everybody from professional meteorologists to any idiot with a van and a Doppler where one can book a 3 day excursion through the heart of tornado alley along with any number of other camera toting idiots with a complete lack of common sense or self preservation. .......and I only say that because the vast majority of the videos by these people that are posted on youtube come from the "Look! We went on a tornado tour check out my footage of this giant spinny death cloud flinging house-sized shrapnel at three hundred miles an hour less than a mile from my soft, easily perforated and smooshable body!" category. ANYWAY. I still like this movie quite a lot, and RIP both Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Alyson Addington

And here's just a bit of trivia for kicks and giggles. They don't sound the way the movie has them sounding like. They go like this: 1.) If you're within say half a mile to a mile away you can hear it rumbling. You might mistake it for thunder, but thunder only lasts a few seconds and this sound does not stop. The closest comparison I can think of is an old fashioned cavalry charge. 2.) Naturally, it gets louder as it gets closer. It starts to sound more like an approaching train. 3.) Now it sounds like a cavalry charge consisting entirely of approaching train. 4.) NOISE 5.) Maybe ten seconds before it hits your face, the sound stops. Literally. Completely silent for about three seconds of those ten. It does NOT give you a false sense of security, though. Your fight or flight reflex goes into OHSHIT mode. 6.) For the longest six seconds of your life, the storm hisses like an angry snake. You may or may not hear the wind making rave music noises ( wub! wub! wub! wub! wub!) underneath the hissing. The soundtrack then flips into reverse. 7.) NOISE....etc.