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I am not feeling well and need to sleep. I will watch 3 more and GOT + TWD


AVATAR The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 1

Watch "AVATAR The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 1" on Streamable.



FINALLY! I've been waiting! This episode is a really good season opener. It gets you excited/ intruiged and just AH. - Im sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope that you got to enjoy the Avatar episodes and the other things you're watching just as much as usual. And its okay to take a day of Dillon. Health is more important. - You can see that the animation already looks better than in season one. - I LOVE Azula. She is such a good villain! As a person, you will dislike or maybe hate her, but as a character she is PHENOMENAL!! - Im not sure , but most people lose their minds when they see Azula Lightningbending XD. Maybe you were just not impressed XD. They introduce a new bending form, people in the firenation can use. - Its so hard to be in Aang's position. He is THE one who has to defeat the firelord. They expect so much from him/ push him. He is just a kid who discoverd A FEW MONTHS AGO, that he has to fight the most dangerous man on the planet. He only has till the end of the summer to learn all elements (which take YEARS of discipline and practice) and to control the Avatar state. He wants to help people, but at the same time, he doesnt know how. So much responsibility thrown upon a 12 year old child. - Yes and no. The black koifish is the spirit of the ocean, the white koifish was the spirit of the moon, the one got killed. And when there was no hope left, he somehow called upon the avatar state and togheter with the spirit of the ocean, he became the giant koifish who destroyed the fire navy. And i think he was only able to control the Avatar state back then because he gave himself and his powers to the ocean spirit. - Isnt it so cool that there is the Avatarstate, the most powerfull thing to exist and give it such a big vulnerability. If Aang dies in the Avatar state, there will be no more Avatar. No more reincarnation. So cool. Oh and about Zuko and Uncle Iroh cutting of their hair: The Fire Nation is heavily inspired by Japan, and in the feudal era, those of high status had a 'top-knot' hairstyle called a chonmage, like those worn by Iroh and Zuko. Because top-knots showed that one was of a higher class, to lose it would show a loss of status, and so, for instance, if a samurai lost his top-knot, he would be shamed and lose his honour. Therefore, Iroh and Zuko do it because they are now refugees and traitors, so have lost their status, and cannot be seen with their top-knots, otherwise they would be recognised. So excited to see more of your reactions! Diving in the second episode right away!