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World Trade Center Part 1

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Katie Young

@17:13 just over the name "Pezzulo" is THE REAL Officer Will Jimeno as a cameo (the heavier set man with the mustache). What that man and the other's endured that day and every day since us just mind blowing. I have my own strong opinions about that day regarding some fact/some fiction we've all been fed but what can NOT be questioned is the pure heroism from service members, emergency responders, countless act of heroism amd kindness from civilians and the deaths of ANY let alone "too many". The who and why is our right to have our opinions on and debate but what should never be argued is the horrific, terrifying few hours as a result that morning,the bravery and resilience of so soooo many and the fact that those same people are STILL suffering and tragically passing as a result of that day 🥺💔

Dawnie Haywood

It took me many years before I could watch this movie, and even now, it’s tough. Obviously since it’s been over a month since you posted it and the anniversary, but I’m still shaking, Like most Americans, although I know this day affected so many people around the world, this day is imbedded so deep in my brain, it does not at all feel like it’s been 20 years. I still remember so much from that day so clearly that has never dimmed. The confusion of this day, from the time the first plane hit, thinking it was a freak accident, and then the horror as the day progressed. You say you’d want to be a fly on the wall, and I wish I could forget the events of that day, just living two states away. I had been to NY years prior to this and went to the 101st floor of one of those towers, and it was a sight I will never forget. But it also gave a very clear picture in my mind of how much was coming down when those towers collapsed. And communication not only got jammed there in NY, but nationwide. I tried calling my mother in Arizona from where I was in Massachusetts, and it took hours to get a call to go through. I didn’t know anyone that died in the towers, or the other two attacks, but my brother in law was called down from Connecticut where he served as a State Trooper, and he was down there for what seemed like forever with his cadaver dog. He never recovered mentally from that, and he actually lost that dog to cancer from inhaling the asbestos and everything in the air down there. So watching these officers in the movie hits very close to home. The only movie involving 9/11 in any shape way or form I have been able to watch was Remember Me in 2010, and that did not show anything graphic, and it was only at the very end. But even that movie felt too soon and a punch to the gut when it was revealed what day it was at the end. So this one, especially as graphic as it was with the footage and the towers actually coming down, was done WAY too soon for so many, myself included. Gonna try to watch the second part, but wow this is exceedingly tough. This is only my second time watching this movie in general, and it’s not much easier than seeing it the first time.