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Peter Pan

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Yeah there was an NFL team called the Washington Redskins. They have only recently finally changed their name because of some of the backlash they were getting. Now it’s just called the Washington football team.


I love this film. If you ever want to see the live action version it’s the 2003 one and it is epic and much more detailed and emotional. Also hook with robin Williams is another classic and finding neverland with Johnny depp and Kate winslet is brilliant

Emma Flake

React to Return To Neverland!


yes, old disney movies use to always put the credits in the beginning


I join Annie and Emma in recommending those follow-ups. I think Dillon will find "Hook" especially meaningful. "Peter Pan" began life as a play, then adapted to a novel. The play is often performed, but a 1954 musical version has been the most successful stage adaptation, popping up on TV and stages world-wide. Many other straight and musical adaptations exist, as well. Quite iconic, eh? I always get tingly when Tink 'dusts' the ship.

Eric Janssen

Credits at the beginning were common for all movies up until the slicker movies of the 90’s - Up till then, they were like the “overture” to an opera or musical, to settle us into the mood. I’ll admit to facepalming a bit when Dillon was watching the “sacked” credits from Monty Python & the Holy Grail, and seemed to miss all the jokes about Swedish subtitles, because he thought “long credits” were the joke. (“Now these guys are just trolling us!”)

Jessica Helsing Vestling

I was gonna write and recommend the 2003 version too. It's my favourite Peter Pan movie. So good. And Hook is also an amazing movie. I hope he reacts to those in the future.


Ohmygod i just loooove the old Disney animation style. Colours, songs, the old voice overs (there is something about the voices from back then, that make me feel all satisfied) and ofcourse the nostalgia it brings me. I havnt seen this movie in over 10+ years. Because its not one of my favorites, but i really like it. And rewatching it with you is great ! I loved how a lot of things suddenly clicked for you. From things people said or did in the past and now you know why xD. I always thought they put the credits in the beginning to: - Show you the cast who worked on the movie. Bring them more honor than what they do these days (putting them at the end which everyone skips). Back in the day i thought you could only watch movies in the theater. So you were "forced" to watch it. If you put it at the end, people could walk away because they've already seen the movie. - To give you a song about the movie. A little bit of information and to get you into the movie. - They used a really good voice over for the Indian Chief in my language. This one is not as good indeed xD.


If you are after another Disney classic the jungle book and Mary poppins would be great to watch. If you are looking for the nostalgia childhood factor stand by me is a must.

Eric Janssen

Yes, the Disney version was trying to stick to the conventions of the play—like having Captain Hook and Wendy’s dad played by the same actor—and there’s plenty of versions of the 1954 musical on disk (Cathy Rigby’s is also good). Return to Neverland is…eh-okay, though, since it came from Disney’s 90’s-00’s days when they were starting to put their video-sequels in theaters, but still had the same problems of being too modern, jokey and TV-animated. Disney worked on the ‘53 movie back to back with their 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland, and they’re both two of their best Silver Age versions of the classics. As for Tinkerbell’s jealousy, though, the author JM Barrie explained it best in the book: “Fairies, being small, have room for only one thought in their heads at a time, and aren’t troubled by consequences.” 😄

Krista Han

I'm so happy you're reacting to pretty much anything and everything :) I am actually studying psychology and at the same time I'm a spiritual person, aka someone who believes in all the possibilities, magic, other worlds and dimensions, etc. ^^ And I tell people that I'm a combination of a psychologist and spiritual. Spiritologist, as I like to call it :D (But my major is makeup artistry, so I'm a makeup artist-spiritologist, plus translator, I like to do many things :) Dreams about flying, I think we all have had them. I still do to this day. Poeple's brains are fully active when they're asleep, so every emotion that you felt through the day can let themselves be alive in the brain. Dreams usually are a way for people to deal with what has happened or will happen or how they're feeling. And some people can have prophetic dreams or connective dreams as well, if you believe in that. Flying represents the feeling freedom, happiness and laughter. When you dream about flying, it represents you freeing yourself from the day, and it's hassles, or something that you might've kept inside you. Spiritually we see flying as going forward to the next chapter in your life, and that it's going to be smooth sailing. If you really feel with your body that you're flying and that you're able to fly wherever you want and turn your head and look over things, that is called astral projection/travel. (Meaning that you're able to move your "inner" body or soul and travel to wherever you want, and see and feel the things and emotions you always wanted to)