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Hey Dillon, it's saying I need to request access to the video via email? I've never seen that before

Krista Han

This is one of those movies that get to me, no matter how many times I watch it. I think that everyone has a different answer to your question at the end, but for me... It depends on whether I have unfinished business with them, if I forgot to say something or hug them or do something for/with them, then yes, I would like that one more day. But if I'm in peace with them, then I believe that they're in peace and I just leave them be at that peace, be it in Heaven or in another life, or somewhere else :) And I think your grandfather is really proud of you, wherever he rests peacefully. I believe in the afterlife, heaven, and all that, so I never look at the passed people as dead and gone, I see them living life in another life, or in heaven~ And magic is wherever you believe it to be. It appears in different forms, such as emotions (love, happiness, sadness, etc.), as energy, as nature.


Frozen was love between sisters. I requested this to demonstrate between brothers as well. :) It's very similar in a way. Yet slightly different. :) We shall see what next month will bring. Haven't decided yet. xD You need to watch a lot of things! :)

Eric Janssen

I clicked on the video to see whether Dillon spotted the highway-fast-food Burger Shire sign advertising "Now serving Second Breakfast".


Hoh nice movie request! The first time watching this movie i didnt know if i liked it or not. The second time watching i loved it. I dont know why or how.. but i really like this movie now. It showcases the love between brothers beautifully. - I get what you mean. I absolutely love the old animations. Or well, hand drawn. The new animation style is also very good. Yes the older one is better but it doenst make a movie less beautiful or less awesome. Because they use a new style, they can make other really beautiful scenes and moments. I love and appreciate both. - I love that your son tells you that he is proud of you. It must mean a lot to you. - I love how his big brother was always his dad figure. It just took him a while to realize that. - He let his brother say goodbye. Something he was never able to do and felt guilty about. Its so sweet and good. - I use the word love a lot of times haha but i love that you can relate to something in a movie. Like you with your brothers. Because it makes you feel understood. Im sorry you went through that. I can see it still makes you sad. All i hope is that you dont feel like that anymore and feel important and heard, because you are. A not so "fun"fact: This movie is banned in some countries because the policewoman said "my girlfriend", which indicates she is a lesbian. Sigh... But im happy that Disney slowly puts lgbtq+ people in their animations. There was also a gay couple with their child in the tavern of the Mandicore. You just dont notice because you see the back of one of them. Its small, but im so happy they made a start. Great reaction. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SHIPPES MOM AND THE MANTICORE?


Oh and to answer your question at the end, yes. Yes i would. Im not gonna talk about it in the comment section because its personal. But there are some things i wonder about. And i think i know the answer, but still. I never got to and never will know. And i think that person would be happy to see me to. Just because you could see them for one day, doesnt mean you take away their peace. To be honest i think it would bring more peace to the both of us. But i also know that cannot happen. And im okay with that. I dont think "what if" in these situations. Because you cant change the past. "What if's" are always there, but if you think about it to much, you cant focus on your present and future. Because you would want something you could never have. Anyways, yes i would do it haha. Im always ranting or diving deep in a conversation or answer, doesnt matter the subject XD haha.

Eric Janssen

Wow, a black character talks about her "girlfrien'", LOL. Somebody found out that a good number of animators at Disney/Pixar were LGBT on their own time, and--ever since the "Look, Elsa doesn't have a love interest!" craze--have been spending six films waiting and hoping for "representation" from their secret pals fighting for the Cause: We already had the "Same-sex couples", unquote, for Judy's loud roomie-brother neighbors in Zootopia, the mom-and-daughter with the baby carriage in Finding Dory, the aforementioned "Look, those two in the back, if you squint!" from the tavern, and, in final desperation, even claiming before the movie came out that Forky in Toy Story 4 was going to be "Pixar's first TG character!", unquote, because he "didn't know what he was"...Guys, might want to quit while you're behind.


I understand what you're saying but i dont get your point. :$ But im not suprised. It would be so nice to have official lgbtq+ characters. Instead of a hetero couple, let it be a lesbian or gay couple or whatever. Because its a normal thing. Something other people can also relate to. Plus it would be really good for kids also. They could understand themself better and understand that its normal. Not that kids question love in any type of way because they are pure haha. Its fun to think about who could be lgbtq+. They are really there sometimes, though often they're not. But its nice to think about something you want.

Eric Janssen

My point was, yes it would be "nice" if they made a shoutout to you personally, like the list of Patreon donors on a reaction video, or one of those "My Adventures" books when you were a kid, with your own name written into the story. But they're not making those...They're making STORIES, with plots and worlds, and characters who belong to them. What bothers everyone else is the mentality that that should somehow be “second” to Proving Social Points and tribalistically group-hugging their cultiest fans personally--Which says rather a lot about how you treat stories to begin with , and how you treat stories says a lot about how you treat the real outside world: What, do stories have to have "Representative" characters in them so you can ALLOW yourself to like them or feel for them? And the increasing desperation, when those who do have to create stories for a living aren’t interested in playing along with you…Even to a fan sense of “betrayal” when you find out they weren’t.


I get the feeling that you're not too impressed with "Wokeness", Eric.

Eric Janssen

It's not "Wokeness", it's a feeling that think they'll only get "Representation" if they grab and claim-jump a piece of what's already popular for mainstream audiences--Hence the big push to Out Queen Elsa, Captain America, every Pixar movie from the last six years, AND Finn from Force Awakens, rather than simply admit A) they liked those movies just as much as "normal" people did, and B) they can't seem to generate any mainstream popular characters of their own, because, well, nobody else wants to touch them once they do. Not only is that not the mainstream's problem, but also suggests that the certain audience can't get over themselves and BE part of one big audience...There's always that one big love that comes first.