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Kung Fu Panda 2

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Wow, this series is really giving you a lot of food for discussion. Where will number 3 take you. Can't wait to find out.


AH, what a nice suprise! Kunf fu panda 2 ! Its so good and emotional. And like you said. It gets you emotional and teary eyed and 20 seconds later you're laughing. I also love that Po stays the same as a person. Even though he knows kung fu now, he still has the weakest stamina of them all and can eat for hundreds. And sometimes he even uses that in his kung fu. How amazing is that ?! - I can really see you "bothering" your wife when she does yoga. I think we all have something important to say ONLY at the moment another person is busy hahahah! - And yes i love items, scents or music that gives me that nostalgic feeling. I have it when i play or hear the pokemon Daimond game music or pokemon cries. It was my first ever pokemon game and just hearing that makes me happy. Also cetrain kind of music makes me nostalgic. Just hearing it makes me think of our family vacation car rides. We traveled all the way to Croatia with the car and i always remember playing certain songs. I love it. - This is such a wonderful movie. The great messages. Wouw, i cried alot. So i remember loving Kung Fu Panda 3 the most. I just remember one small moment, but even knowing that i loved the third one better than this amazing movie.. im so excited to rewatch it again togheter with you.

Ice SnowFlake

I loved your reaction to this movie! 😀 Btw, new patreon member. I don’t regret it lol.