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My google drive will now be used for my storage in which I will be paying for per month and then streamable (Also I will pay per month) will be where you all can watch and download the videos from. 

So we will never run out of storage and not have problems with servers( KNOCK ON WOOD).

So over the next week the google drive links will be removed and replaced with streamable, as I am downloading and  transfering over every video from google drive to streamable. 

Sorry for the problems with the google drive. I feel like crap about it all and I am working hard to fix it.

Now let me finish recording Game of Thrones today!



I'm glad you found a solution, though as far as I'm concerned you don't have to feel bad about it not having worked for a little while. Stuff like that happens sometimes.


Agreed. We know how dedicated you are to us. Always remember: it's appreciated.


We appreciate and love you so much Dillon


It is what it is bud. Nice work around. Its appreciated.