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I can't figure out if you had already posted this or not. Somehow I think you had, but I'm not sure.

MyYoutube Account

No, he had not posted this earlier.. It was only yesterday that I was searching for it.. 😅


Huh, interesting. The video file is from March and he usually posts things as soon as possible so I was confused. I could also swear I saw him react to this before, but maybe I'm confusing it with another reaction channel I watch.


I uploaded this 2 months ago. But it had an error for new viewers. SO i created a new drive post.


How did you know that Hydra infiltrated Shield and tried to kill Nick Fury, while only at The Avengers first movie??


No, I remember you accidentally watched Capt America: Winter Soldier out of sequence.


Not at all. There's No reason to be all defensive mate. I figured there might just be a mishap somewhere, and wanted to clear it up, wish I still do? 😉 I enjoy your reactions and find them perfectly genuine, so no worries 😉


All good mate. I understand. Thanks for supporting and enjoying yourself.

Eric Janssen

Yes, Winter Soldier CAN be watched out of sequence, as it doesn't affect events in the Avengers, but it's much more effective afterwards, as the "Second-season premiere episode" of Phase II. But watching Avengers knowing about the CA:WS's Hydra plot ahead of time is like watching Disney's Black Widow movie after seeing...er, oops! 🤭


Yes, you missed something at the end of Thor. An after credits scene that showed Doctor Selvig being brought in to work on the Tesseract, with Loki showing up in the mirror influencing him into accepting.


When tony was on the ground after he almost died, he kept mentioning that they should go try that Shawarma place... thats the place they were eating at in the after-credit scene lol