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An emotional rollercoaster, for sure. You had some very interesting side topics going on, mate. And I have never heard of anyone noticing that bike falling before, Mr. Eagle-eye. It happens so quickly and is so far away and behind the building. Well, chalk up another tearful journey with Dillon. I love 'em all.


I was only 7 when this movie came out, and I begged my parents to take me to see it in the theaters. I was a blubbering mess at the end and had to be carried out to the car. It broke me, but it still remains one of my favorite movies, and it still reduces me to a blubbering mess. Such an excellent movie, and there's never been anything quite like it for me. It's so special and in a class of it's own. Great reaction :)


I’m so sorry your friend experienced what he did. It was something beyond his control and no should demand he be kicked out like that. Either his parents weren’t very well off financially, didn’t care or he was too afraid to ask them. Whatever the reason there shouldn’t be such cruel things said or done. Smell or no smell it has nothing to do with education. He wasn’t hurting or bullying or doing anything wrong. I absolutely agree it would be much better to have a program in the school where things like deodorant, feminine hygiene products and such were provided. Hopefully in a discreet way. That way your friend would have been taken care of and Karen’s brat kid would have nothing to target your friend about. Schools have a long way to go still when it comes to stuff like that. As an educator you get taught to look out for abuse and neglect but there is very little in actual schools to help kids in need. Having said that i would only be okay with dissections on animals that had been humanely put to sleep for other reasons. A perfectly healthy animal is a living being. Besides… Frogs are dying out. It’s not so much me wanting to deny children the education of doing a dissection, but I would be picky about what animals I used. For example, I would use the frozen mice and rats they have to feed snakes before I use a frog. That’s just me though. I hope that doesn’t make me a Karen. I certainly wouldn’t kick up a huge stink. I would try and help come up with alternatives instead rather than just chuck a tantrum.

Raven Dark

Yes, the kids were smoking at the start. Not Elliot, but the older brother and his friends. Elliot's brother was supposed to be fifteen. At the time this movie came out, that was fairly normal, and parents sometimes didn't care back then. I started smoking when I was fourteen, with permission. It was a different time. The others didn't see E.T. in the shed because he was hidden in the back where all the equipment was, in the shadows and most of them had their backs to him. As to the scene in the cornfield, where Elliot's reaction to the sight of E.T. seemed delayed. It was mostly dark in a field of of tall corn, and where he was shining the light was overly bright from the flashlight, which probably made it harder to see. I think Elliot wasn't sure what he was seeing at first. When E.T. appeared to make Elliot go to sleep, I don't think that was what was happening. The empathic bond that connected Elliot to E.T. was already forming. E,T, was tired. Elliot was feeling tired because E.T, was. Had E. T. been able to make Elliot fall asleep, he would have been using a type of mind control, which is sometimes, but not always, part of or comes along with telepathic powers. E.T. is an empath, which is why he and Elliot were becoming connected, because their bond was so close. E.T., as a rule, does not have telepathic powers (the ability to read and sometimes control minds) but rather Empathic, which is the ability to feel others' emotions. I've heard that too, that certain types of aliens (the kind that E.T. seems to be at least partly based on) are sexless. The ones depicted in a lot of movies like this are sometimes called Greys. Normally, they are depicted with three fingers, a large oval shaped head, and large, insect-like eyes. They are thought to be genderless. E.T. could be. I always thought that when Elliot said E.T. was a boy, since he has no way of really knowing for sure he was just saying that because at that age, boys often think boys are cooler. At that age, girls still have cooties and are gross. LOL I think when everyone starts referring to E.T. as a he after it's either because that's how Elliot thinks of him, or because it's easier to assign a gender, and back then especially, we tended to automatically assign things whose gender we didn't know with male gender. As to Gertie (Drew Barrymore's character) calling her mother by her first name, Mary. I had to look this up, because that confused me too. Apparently, it's normal for kids her age (five) to still call their parents by name sometimes. From what I read, it happens for one of two reasons. The first is that the kid is having problems associating the words mom or dad with parents. You call everyone else by a name, so they think you're supposed to call parents by one too. It's hard for them to "get" the connotation. Or, two, the kid is trying to test the parent to see if they can get away with it, because the word mom or dad is a sign of respect. They don't necessarily mean it as an insult. It's like trying things out to see what happens because they don't really know what the parent will do. It feels like Gertie did it there because she didn't "get" it. Later, when Micheal (the older brother) called her by name, that was a more urgent situation, so it feels like he did it to grab her attention and get across the urgency. Kids constantly call on mom and dad for the littlest thing, especially really young ones like Elliot and Gertie, so she would be used to hearing the word mom and sometimes ignoring it if they seem to be just seeking attention or acting out. I feel like Micheal called her Mary to make her realize he wasn't just calling her for something trivial. In the scene where Elliot was setting all the frogs free, you asked why they weren't showing the teacher. They did. There was a brief moment where someone grabbed Elliot's arm and Elliot was shouting something like, "I gotta save him!" The person who grabbed him and he pulled away from was the teacher. The teacher is seen again, grabbing Elliot from behind when he kisses the girl and then leading him out of the school. I'm so sorry to hear about what your grandmothers went through. I hear stories about that happening, where couples are together for a really long time, and when one of them passes on, the other goes only months later. So sad. After watching a whole pile of your great reactions, here's a couple of recommendations for movies I think you'd enjoy and people would love to see you react to. I'm assuming you haven't seen them. If you have, let me know. -The Terminator -Terminator 2: Judgement Day (one of the rare cases where the sequel far -surpasses the first movie, though the first is still very good for its time) -Speed (good nineties action film, do NOT watch the sequel, it's terrible) -Ghost (i guess you'd call it a thriller romance with good comedic aspects) -Top Gun (80s classic -The Goonies (80s classic)