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The books were good, but this tv series is crazy. 

What are your thoughts?



Hey mate haven't seen this series of the Tales of the Unexpected but we have been watching another old Australian series produced in 2005-2008 called East - West - 101 you must check it out 3 series 7 episodes per series total of 21 episodes...


As a British series from the 80s, I'm not sure it was available here. Perhaps someone could correct me. Eric?


Might not want to overcommit yourself. ;) You are still watching a lot of stuff.

Eric Janssen

No, I have no idea what he's talking about, and still think it's that weird Roald Dahl series that showed in the US in the 80's, too. But then, Dahl could get pretty nasty when he wasn't doing Willy Wonka. (Speaking of which?...)

Eric Janssen

Yes, we're glad he's enjoying Game of Thrones, but elsewhere on the Reactorverse, GoT is starting to be joked about as "the Channel-Killer", since once they get hooked, the movies start to disappear. And Dillon definitely sounds...hooked. ;)


Yeah I definetly miss more movies. Yeah Dillon already watched some of the most popular stuff from the last 30 years but thats not even the tip of the iceberg


Also I have a love-hate relationship with both Martin and the show. I think Dillon will understand what I mean in the coming seasons. The series is pretty good for TV and the books are solid, but they are not the second coming of Jesus Christ as some people claim.


I am watching these while I edit or sleep. But I am still watching movies. I ain't hooked on GOT or Walking Dead.


Sure dont get me wrong, I dont try to force a specific type of content. I just genuinly wanted to warn you not to overcommit, or burn out. Its kinda hard to keep up with 4-5 series + movies, so be careful!

Eric Janssen

@Falcon - Every generation has its own "Look, I'm watching my BINGE SERIES!" mania, just for the thrill of having a pet series, and GoT came along just as HBO and streaming was replacing network. Before that, it was the Sopranos, and then Mad Men, and the Cult of Breaking Bad in between that. And...before that, it was the days when TV shows were on once a week, and it was all about "Thursday night!" rather than the show itself.