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Watch it here with me





Watching your freakout over the truth of what Peeta has been going through made me laugh. You introduced me to some new exclamations of anger lol. But yeah, Snow is evil for the things he does. Go back and watch 2 scenes, 1. Where Finnick is giving his propo. Listen to what he is saying. I feel like people get so caught up in the rescue scene happening simultaneously that they don't catch it. He says Snow forced the victors to prostitute themselves and if they refused he would kill someone they loved. He also talks about how he deals in secrets and that Snow poisons his rivals and due to his contact with the poison he has open sores in his mouth that bleed. That makes so much sense. We have seen the blood before. We heard Finnick say he dealt in secrets and we even heard Johanna say they couldn't hurt her anymore, that there was no one left she loved. It really paints the picture that even the victors are as trapped as everyone else. The second scene was Snow talking to Katniss. He straight up tells her Peeta is going to kill her. He says something like it's the things we love most that destroy us. Also side note, I adore Finnick. He is one of my favorite characters. I especially love the scene here where he tells Katniss he knows she loves Peeta. I think she needs to know that it shows. She knows she loves him (and Gale) but I don't think she has figured out what type of love. For her love is just protecting people. I don't think she has gone further than that in her head. She needed to hear that others see her love for Peeta. Great job!


"Holy tits on a blanket!" hahaha. That made me laugh out loud. Yes this was definitely a crazy one. If you're a reader, you should read the books. They are so good.